The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1688: unique

Chapter 1688: Unique

He especially likes to see customers stunned by his designs.

Lu Man could not help but move his skirt.

As she moved, the white dots on the skirt followed, so looking at it like it was a special effect.

She couldn't help but move her veil and shook her head to the left and right.

The diamond light on her veil flickered as she moved.

Qin Zigou's voice reminded me at this time, "Because when considering the red carpet on the wedding, the light is very dim. The light will be concentrated on the bride and groom. I think the pure white yarn is too monotonous. And it does n’t shine. "

"After all, a wedding is a life-long event. The moment when you put on your wedding dress, it is also the most beautiful time for a woman. Just being white is not enough. You must let everyone focus on the bride, and the moment is inseparable."

"To be honest, when walking on the red carpet, many guests don't pay all attention to the bride. But in my opinion, the bride must be the focus of the audience, not one of them."

"So I added white fluorescent stones and glass jadeite similar to the size of the fingertips, but different sizes in the yarn of the skirt." Qin Zigou explained.

He asked Han Zhuoli to come in and pinch a little yarn outside Lu Man's skirt.

"The stone is hidden in the yarn, so it is difficult to notice outside. Because of the weight of fluorescent stones and emeralds, although the yarn is filled outside, it can still maintain the sense of fall of the skirt. When walking, the skirt It will be one by one, very beautiful. And the luminosity of the fluorescent stone is larger, and it is sewn with the jadeite. The good glass jadeite will show obvious fluorescence under the high light in the night. If you only use jadeite, the light Not very strong. "

"But the light of the fluorescent stone is slightly too obvious in the dark, especially when it is blinded by the light at the wedding, so it is neutralized with emerald. When walking around the road, the emerald and the fluorescent stone are intertwined. Blinking will give the illusion of a white light flickering. In fact, it is just that these two stones reflect each other. "

Qin Zigou put down Lu Man's veil and pulled her veil a little to show Han Zhuoli and Lu Man.

Because under the only light in the dark, Qin Zigou's point became very obvious. "The veil should be light, and the veil flutters gently when the red carpet is walking. . Therefore, these stones, including diamonds, cannot be used. They are too heavy. "

"Therefore, the veil is sewn with silver threads. These silver threads are platinum-plated with special technology, which is much brighter than ordinary silver threads. In addition, silver threads are added with gold threads. And Not every one, just to add a touch of golden color when the silver is shining, to achieve a little bit here, a little bit of effect there. Otherwise, the whole silvery white, some are too monotonous, add a little gold Dotted, more coordinated. "Qin Zigou explained one by one.

Hearing these explanations, Han Zhuoli and Lu Man only realized what was going on in the wedding dress.

I have to admire Qin Zigou's thoughts, how can such a ghost be able to think of these.

This is really a unique wedding dress.

Even Lu Man hopes that when he puts on a wedding dress, he is the most beautiful, whether he is himself or a wedding dress.

She also expects that her wedding dress can be different. No one else can buy it. No one has ever worn such a wedding dress.

10 more complete, ask for a monthly pass ~

Good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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