The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1689: Do you know where they went?

Chapter 1689 Do You Know Where They Go?

Unexpectedly, Qin Zigou really designed it.

Han Zhuoli also laughed, thankfully he found Qin Zigou.

Fortunately, Qin Zigou designed such a special wedding dress.

Although the materials are expensive, what else is this worth?

Only in this way can it be worth the long road.

The assistant turned on both the lights and the curtains.

With the light, this wedding dress has become commonplace, and I can't see the shock just now.

Lu Man had anticipated how shocked the guests would be to see on the wedding day.

"Thank you," Lu Man told Han Zhuoli first.

Thank him for so much care, secretly preparing such a special wedding dress for her.

Later, he thanked Qin Zigou, "Thank you for designing such a good wedding dress. I never thought it would be so beautiful."

Lu Man touched some of them want to cry.

She finally understood why so many girls cried when they put on their wedding dress.

Qin Zigou said with a smile: "That's also because Brother Han is not bad at money! He didn't set a budget for me, so he asked me how to come, so that I can fully turn my imagination into reality. If I change one People, I dare not let it go like this. "

"Thank you very much." Lu Man said, "I really didn't expect ... the wedding gown can still be like this. I thought the most was the style. I really like it. But now, it really exceeds my expectations too much. Now. "

Qin Zigou himself is also very happy, nothing can make him so much more affirmed than his own design.

After seeing the preciousness of this wedding dress, Lu Man became more careful when changing back to the dressing room to change the wedding dress.

Finally, I changed the wedding dress and put it in a large box properly.

Han Zhuoli then took the box and left Lu Man.

On the road, Han Zhuoli drove the car, and the road was boring. From time to time, he turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, Lu Man's gaze settled.

When she saw the roadside, Lu Qi was walking into a bridal shop with He Zhengbai.

It is also a very large and well-known wedding shop. Lu Man remembers that it is also divided into clothes and customized, but it is not comparable to Qin Zigou.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qi and He Zhengbai are getting married.

Lu Qi is out of school, and He Zhengbai is no longer at school.

Therefore, she really hasn't heard about them both for a while.

It should be said that Lu Man and Lu Jia had never heard of the news.

It can be said that she actually forgot the two families long ago.

If he hadn't seen them entering the bridal shop now, Lu Man would have forgotten that there were still two of them.

It's also because she has too many things to do now, and she has to take care of many things. Where can I find time to inquire about Lujia's situation?

But think about it, she was forced to leave school to become Lu Qi's assistant.

But now, it's Lu Qi's turn to quit school by herself.

"What are you looking at?" Han Zhuoli noticed Lu Man looking out the window, his gaze seemed to be following something.

"I just saw Lu Qi and He Zhengbai," Lu Man explained, "I have forgotten both of them, and they haven't appeared in school for a long time, so I just saw it, and I was surprised.

Lu Man said mysteriously, "Do you know where they have gone?"

"Where do I know." Han Zhuo Li laughed. "Is it in the hotel?"

He doesn't suspect that Lu Man's affection for He Zhengbai remains.

He and Lu Man's relationship has reached the level of today, let alone married, before the marriage, the two are only one another, no one can be separated, no one despise others.

(End of this chapter)

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