The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1696: After all, she has no ability

Chapter 1696: After All

On what basis!

She would like to see what Lu Man could look like!

No matter which circle you are in, you hate people who do n’t have the strength, and they come to engage in privileges and take up resources.

In Wu Jingli's eyes, Lu Man is like this.

But in the presence of Xu Jiashan, Wu Jingli was too embarrassed to show it, smiling distantly. "Then Xu Dao, I continue to rehearse."

Wu Jingli went back to the practice room. After Xu Jiashan took the tour, she sent her out, saying, "Wu Jingli has a good acting skills. I probably think you are young, so I am not convinced that you took an important role when you came in."

If this kind of thing happened before choosing a character at the beginning, Lu Man would probably take a step back and choose a role with less drama.

Anyway, she was here to learn.

But now that the role has been set, and she does like Man Yun, she is confident that she can play well.

At this time, it will not retreat.

"I know." Lu Man replied, "Thank you for your trust in Director Xu and handing me such an important role, I will definitely perform well. I have this confidence."

Xu Jiashan was able to pick three roles for her to choose at will, which is no longer the treatment that ordinary actors can have.

"As long as I act well and speak with strength, at least this superficial targeting will not be there. As for what others think, I have no right to interfere."

"Unexpectedly, not only did you act well, you thought so well." Xu Jiashan shook his head and smiled. "Probably because of your exquisite thoughts, you can think about the performance thoroughly."

Lu Man took the script home.

Because the script has not yet been finalized, Lu Man was not in a hurry to memorize the lines, but realized that he was familiar with the story, and analyzed the role of Man Yun aside, and had a prototype in his heart about how to interpret it.

When Han Zhuo Li returned, Lu Man showed him the contract.

"How do you look at it, I see nothing wrong," Lu Man said.

Han Zhuoli took the contract and said, "I don't want to come to Xu Jiashan to drill holes in the contract for you."

With Han Zhuo Li, Xu Jiashan was not so stupid.

With Han Zhuo Li, Xu Jiashan will not drill any holes in the contract.

Otherwise, if someone else is a newcomer like Lu Man, where can I get her back to study the contract and find out that it is inappropriate to negotiate again?

There are no doors at all, and there must be many overlord clauses in the contract.

You love to sign or not.

Han Zhuoli sent a copy of the contract directly to the lawyer.

"However, which character did you choose?" Han Zhuoli took over the script handed over by Lu Man and flipped a few pages at will.

"Look, except for the main character, which character do you think is the best?" Lu Man said with a smile.

Han Zhuoli really looked up.

"Man Yun." Han Zhuo Li said, "Although I haven't seen much yet, she's very bright when she comes out."

"Well, I chose her. It was Dao Xu who let me choose at will." Lu Man said, "I didn't expect there was another person who also liked this role. I have offended someone before I officially entered. . "

"What is there, after all, she has no ability. If the acting is good enough, Xu Jiashan will not agree because of your background. The first thing he must guarantee is the quality of the play itself. He will take out the three roles To give you a choice, it means that he thinks you are competent and more suitable than others. "Han Zhuoli said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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