The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1697: It's more important than work

Chapter 1697: Even More Important Than Work

The conditions given by Xu Jiashan were indeed very good. What Lu Man was given was that the newcomers could not enjoy the treatment, and she regarded her as a veteran in the circle.

It was ok, and Lu Man had no other requirements, so he signed a contract with Xu Jiashan.

Just wait until then, formally join the cast.


At the same time, Shi Xiaoya also received a notice from Chi Xingrui, and the third phase of the program officially began recording on Saturday.

Usually it is not necessary on weekends, but considering that Han Zhuo Ling and Han Bang's work, in order not to delay his work, we decided to record the third program on the weekend two days.

At the same time, the first episode of "Survivor" will also premiere on the day before the third episode, which is Friday.

Lu Dongliu means that if the guests' time permits, it will be on Friday night and everyone will take a look at the premiere.

Look at the effect of the broadcast at that time, and how well you perform in it.

What are the shortcomings of the show from guests to production, and can be improved.

That's why it started playing when the program was recorded to the third period, instead of waiting for the program to be completely recorded.

Because in this way, it can be adjusted according to the audience, and the mobility is stronger.

But there is no doubt that the pressure on the program group is very great.

From the theme, production, to the final editing of each issue, the time given is very limited, but the quality of the program must be guaranteed within the prescribed time.

If the response is not good in a certain period or from the first period, stay up late and start to change the plan.

Therefore, the closer the program is broadcast, the greater the pressure on Lu Dongliu.

He now had blistering on his mouth, all in flames.

After receiving the notice, Shi Xiaoya thought for a while and rarely contacted Han Zhuoling.

Send him a WeChat, "I just received a notification from the director group, and recording will start on Saturday. Is your time right?"

When Shi Xiaoya was sending a message, Han Zhuoling was in a meeting.

The phone was on the desktop and was muted.

But this does not prevent him from seeing the system notification appearing on the screen when the screen is on, with the name of Shi Xiaoya on it.

Han Zhuo Ling is listening to the report. He never gets distracted by these things while working and never ignores them.

Often when private matters come to him, he is working and forgets.

I found out after the work was over and the day was over.

But now, Han Zhuoling couldn't help but glance at the phone screen.

I don't know what Shi Xiaoya said to him.

For the first time, it seemed that looking at personal information was more important than work.

This is the first time he has appeared since he officially started work.

Han Zhuo Ling finally couldn't help but raised his hand to slide open the mobile phone screen and saw the message sent by Shi Xiaoya to him.

"Suitable." Han Zhuo Ling's mobile phone was still on the desktop. While listening to the report, he quickly answered Shi Xiaoya's words with one hand.

Seeing the simple two words sent on the screen, I didn't find it appropriate.

Then he added: "I'll take care of the air tickets, you don't need to worry about it and tell you the departure time later."

"Okay," Shi Xiaoya replied quickly.

She did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling would reply to him so soon.

She regretted it just after sending the message, thinking that it is working time now, and she must be very busy with her workaholic character like Han Zhuo Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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