The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1698: Really familiar!

Chapter 1698: Familiar!

She is now texting and wondering if it disturbed him at work.

But I thought, fortunately, the information is not a phone call. If he is not available now, he will not return immediately.

Therefore, Shi Xiaoya had already hugged herself and would not receive a response from Han Zhuo Ling immediately.

Who knows this time he turned back in seconds.

It was not just Shi Xiaoya who did not expect it, even the people who had a meeting with Han Zhuo Ling were shocked.

What did they see? !!

I often had a meeting with Han Zhuo Ling, and all of them were afraid to come out.

From the moment he left his office, he hurriedly turned the phone to mute, fearing that he forgot to tune it before the meeting. As a result, he was surprised in front of Han Zhuo Ling.

So at the meeting of Han Zhuo Ling, everyone was very quiet, except for the report, there was no other voice.

And Han Zhuo Ling has never been distracted during the meeting.

But now, he is actually looking at the mobile phone!

And put the phone on the desktop with a fair view!

The reporting department manager hesitated and wondered if it should be continued.

Because he didn't know if Han Zhuo Ling was listening.

Han Zhuoling sent the message, heard the hesitation of the department manager, and said lightly: "Continue."


The manager continued to report, even though he was nervous in front of Han Zhuo Ling, but still couldn't help his curiosity at this time, secretly watching the corner of Han Zhuo Ling's reaction.

Who knew that Han Zhuo Ling's eyes glanced at the phone from time to time.

Even though the screen of the mobile phone was locked and not lit, he occasionally opened the screen to take a look.

Everyone was curious.

Who is this message, Dashan Han?

Waiting for the look.

They especially want to know who sent the information and can be treated in such a way that Han Zhuo Ling can distract himself from the information while he works.

As a result, Han Zhuo Ling was disappointed. After returning a word "good", Shi Xiaoya never heard from again.

Why is it so cold?

But I don't know, this is because Shi Xiaoya is afraid to disturb his work.

Originally, he regretted his inappropriateness and sent him a message during working hours.

Therefore, after receiving the reply from Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed to disturb him again.

So he waited till the end of the meeting, except for Shi Xiaoya's "good" word, Han Zhuo Ling never waited to reply.

Han Zhuo Ling walked out of the meeting room with a black face, and the remaining department managers looked at each other.

"Ling Shao, what is ... what happened? Why suddenly you are in a bad mood?"

Although Han Zhuo Ling usually has a serious face, he can still be seen when he is in a bad mood.

Especially now, the body is exuding black gas.

"When I looked at my phone before, I think he was in a good mood." Someone said.

When Han Zhuo Ling returned the message, although he could not see Han Zhuo Ling's reply and to whom he returned it, he secretly looked at Han Zhuo Ling's expression.

The face was so gentle that it almost changed.

"Speaking of this, it is not uncommon for Ling Shaoping to come in with information on his mobile phone, but he has never seen him reply such a quick message, let alone during a meeting." Someone asked kindly, "I do n’t know if Who are you sending messages to, even at meetings? "

"This scene seems a little familiar." Someone suddenly said quietly.

Everyone: "..."

It's really ... really familiar!

Others were reminded this way, and suddenly remembered that when Han Zhuoli fell in love with Lu Man, it was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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