Reference 1726

"If I can't solve it, you have to help Ling Shao." Jiang Yuhan said.

"Competitive games, why should I help you?" Han Zhuoring said coldly.

On his face, he read: How big are you?

Rarely, Han Zhuo Ling even revealed his thoughts directly on his face, making people see clearly.

The skin around Jiang Yuhan's mouth shook a bit, and then asked Lu Dongliu, "Lu Dao, tomorrow's show is a single game or a team game?"

Lu Dongli laughed: "Our recording content of each issue is confidential. There is no script, and the content will not be disclosed to the guests in advance, so that we can shoot the most realistic effect. So I can not say now, wait for tomorrow Just start recording. "

Jiang Yuhan also said to Han Zhuo Ling: "Ling Shao, if you say a good team match tomorrow. We will be one team, I will not be worried. But if you are divided into two teams, you must be merciful."

"Why?" Han Zhuoling asked coldly.

"Ah?" Jiang Yuhan was asked by Han Zhuo Ling.

Generally speaking, aren't they always polite?

How can I ask why?

"Because ... because ... I ..."

"Because you are a woman, I have to show mercy to your men?" Han Zhuo Ling satired.

Jiang Yuhan's pitiful bite on his lips, even if he didn't want to help, how could he not tell his face so directly.

"Miss Jiang." Han Zhuo Ling called.

Before that, it was Jiang Yuhan who took the initiative to talk to Han Zhuoling.

Han Zhuoling has never said anything to Jiang Yuhan.

Hearing that Han Zhuoling called her, Jiang Yuhan looked up in surprise, "Ling Shao?"

Han Zhuoling turned a blind eye to Jiang Yuhan's joyful look, "Please stay away from me."

"Why ... what?" Jiang Yuhan's eyes widened in disbelief.

Han Zhuoling ... this almost sent her off!

Han Zhuo Ling glanced lightly at his arm, "You squeezed me."

Everyone saw it, didn't it?

Jiang Yuhan kept leaning on Han Zhuoling.

I didn't know who was snoring in the corner of the elevator and couldn't help laughing.

The sound was ironic in Jiang Yuhan's ears.

She stared coldly at her voice, but didn't know who it was.

There were only a few guests in the elevator this time, Shi Xiaoya, Guo Yujie, and Lu Yi.

Even if Jiang Yuhan wanted to injustice Shi Xiaoya, there was no way, because the voice just now was the voice of a man.

The program team asked the hotel for a conference room. Everyone was in the conference room to prepare for tomorrow's shooting, while waiting for the ratings of the first issue tonight.

Other make-up artists are assigned guests by lot.

Shi Xiaoya fixed it to Han Zhuoling and did not participate in the lottery.

Jiang Yuhan couldn't find anyone, and suspected that the most likely thing was the first year of the concubine.

But as Han Zhuo Ling's assistant, in front of Han Zhuo Ling, Jiang Yuhan really did not have the courage to find the trouble of the first year.

As for the other guests, she was not easy to offend. Finally, she focused on Cheng He, who seemed to be the best bully.

Those who engage in e-sports are not in a circle with them and are still a small child. They need to have no connections and no background.

Jiang Yuhan sighed coldly to Cheng He.

Cheng He was inexplicably seen.

Cheng He's floor arrived first and said goodbye to some.

Liu Chuanhui patted his shoulder, motioned him to ignore Jiang Yuhan, and let Cheng He go.

(End of this chapter)

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