The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1727: Actually a little scared

Chapter 1727: Actually A Little Scared

Jiang Yuhan and Zhang Xiangyou were on the same floor and belonged to the second wave of the elevator.

The rest are all on the same floor.

Not long after returning to the room, Shi Xiaoya also received a group text message from Lu Dongliu, and the ratings of the first episode of "Survivor" broke 2.

This is a good start, at least you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Lu Dongliu immediately called Lu Man and told her the ratings.

The second half of the first installment next week has today's basis, so don't worry about ratings.

The focus was on the promotion of the first half of the second issue, and the two discussed this.

Tomorrow will be early tomorrow, when Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie return, they will immediately rest.

The two were lying on the bed. Guo Yujie couldn't sleep, so she said to Shi Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, you see Jiang Yuhan's performance tonight. The purpose should not be too obvious."

Shi Xiaoya sighed in her heart, Guo Yujie said anxiously: "I said, Xiaoya, what do you think in your heart? If you like others, you also behave, anyway, even if you are angry, I will say, I look at Han Zhuo Ling I really like you. "

"You see his attitude towards Jiang Yuhan today. Generally men don't give a girl a face like this. But Han Zhuo Ling has no worries, and in public, Jiang Yuhan is not allowed to come to Taiwan. It can be seen that if he is not interesting, he will be so considerate to women Don't say it's as detailed as you are, I'm afraid I won't even give a good look to the other party. "

Shi Xiaoya sighed silently, and then heard Guo Yujie said, "Don't hold on, just admit it if you like it."

"I ..." Shi Xiaoya covered the quilt under her chin, and said dullly, "I do like him. Whenever I talk about love, the first thing that comes to my mind is his face."

"Then how do you ..." Guo Yujie said, "Are you afraid you misunderstood what he meant?"

"Actually, I think it's because you think about it more, and maybe you are more cautious because you are the party." Guo Yujie said, "But I stood by and looked at it coldly. Han Zhuo Ling could not be described as unusual for you. It ’s very special, it ’s not like that to anyone. And, when we had supper tonight, he came to our table to sit down. ”

"He said he was too noisy with Jiang Yuhan, but to be honest, I think he is more afraid of you misunderstanding. After all, it ’s not like being in an elevator. What Jiang Yuhan said to him, you can see and hear his reactions. . But when you eat, you are divided into two tables. What Jiang Yuhan tells him, his reaction is easily misunderstood and misunderstood by you. "

"Although Ling Shao is cold, his table is not just Jiang Yuhan. He won't give other people a face because of Jiang Yuhan. That table is all the main creator. As a result, he came to sit with you, didn't he just want to let Are you assured? "Guo Yujie analyzed." I am a bystander and I don't have so much pressure and hesitation, so I can see more clearly. "

"I know." Shi Xiaoya said muffled.

"Why are you still ..." Guo Yujie didn't understand, "Since you like it, why not try it?"

"I ... I'm actually a little scared." Shi Xiaoya said, "Actually, even if Han Zhuo Ling said nothing at all, there are still women like Jiang Yuhan, who approached him proactively. Even if he treats them Without giving up, but I still don't feel too secure. He is too good, and the excellent makes me feel that I am not that good and I don't deserve him. "

(End of this chapter)

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