Reference 1728

"How can you think so?" Guo Yujie said, "You look beautiful, have a good personality, and have your own business, these are very realistic conditions. You are no worse than others. Do you think you are better than you? Is it like Jiang Yuhan? She has that courage, but you who are really worthy of Han Zhuo Ling, why not feel confident? "

Shi Xiaoya lay on her back, clutching the quilt with her hands, "Let me think about it, anyway ... he didn't say it, either?"

"Hey, call you two to die! One is clearly intentional, the other is intentional." Gu Yujie muttered.

The two talked for a long time, and it was midnight before they knew it.

Suddenly, there was a sound outside.

Guo Yujie sat up and listened with his ears up, "Xiaoya, have you heard the voice outside?"

"Hear." Shi Xiaoya also sat up.

"How do I listen, like Jiang Yuhan's voice?" Guo Yujie reached out, pressed the switch on the bedside, and turned on the room light.

Shi Xiaoya listened carefully and felt that it really looked like Jiang Yuhan's voice.

"Strange, she doesn't live on this floor again," Guo Yujie said puzzledly, "and it's mostly in the middle of the night."

She picked up her cell phone and looked, "It's over 12 o'clock."

As soon as Shi Xiaoya came up with an idea, she heard Guo Yujie say, "She won't come to knock on Ling Shao's door?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"We used to encounter this kind of thing when we were with the crew. The actress knocked on the director's door, knocked on the actor's door, and more went." Guo Yujie said, and quickly got out of bed, "No, let's Go and see! "

Shi Xiaoya also followed the shoes and ran to the door.

Of course, she has to check it out. If she really wanted to hook Han Zhuoling, she wanted to see what Han Zhuoling would do.

Guo Yujie quietly opened the door a little, and the two did not dare to look upright, fearing to be found.

So only opened enough for two people to see.

I saw that Jiang Yuhan really stood at the door of Han Zhuoling. "Ling Shao, I have some questions for you, it's about recording tomorrow."

Shi Xiaoya heard Jiang Yuhan's words and found that Han Zhuoling was standing in front of Jiang Yuhan at this time.

He actually opened the door for Jiang Yuhan.

"Can I get in?" Jiang Yuhan asked with a smile.

"Get out." Han Zhuoling spit out a word coldly.

After that, Han Zhuo Ling closed the door.

Jiang Yuhan still refused to ring the doorbell.

The sound insulation of the room door in the hotel is generally not good. Jiang Yuhan said outside the door: "Ling Shao, I'm all here. You can open the door for me. I'm afraid to stand outside. You can rest assured , I will not tell others that no one will misunderstand us. "

Han Zhuo Ling was ignorant, and directly called Lu Dongliu.

"Ling Shao?" Lu Dongliu was clearly asleep, and the phone rang for a while before answering.

And the sound is still dim.

Listening to Jiang Yuhan's voice outside the door, Han Zhuoling was irritable and said to Lu Dongliu: "Trouble comes over to take Jiang Yuhan away. She's harassing me."

Lu Dongliu's drowsiness was all awakened, and the awkward one sat up, "Why ... what?"

"Hurry up and get her away." Han Zhuo Ling held back angrily. "I don't like touching her, I feel dirty."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be right there!" Lu Dongliu hung up the phone and called Chi Xingrui.

He was afraid he couldn't control Jiang Yuhan by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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