The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1739: You will thank me

Chapter 1739: You Will Thank Me

In fact, the two of Su Yan are not so outstanding. They are completely compensated by makeup, which is far from Han Zhuo Ling.

Therefore, the makeup of the two is not less than that required by the female star.

From eye make-up to lip make-up, to trimming, some of the shortcomings on the faces of the two people were repaired with makeup, which is not a little less, so it is more troublesome to paint.

Shi Feng and Duan Ping first just picked Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou, and they suddenly felt a big loss.

They have high technical requirements, but fans still think that this is how their idols look so handsome, and they can't see their makeup skills at all, it's too aggrieved.

On the side of Shi Xiaoya, she painted Han Zhuoling well. Han Zhuoling saw that she had come down with a face, and she didn't even cover her dark circles.

Although she looks good like this, in the lens, the dark circles will be magnified and become particularly embarrassing.

"Why are your dark circles so heavy?" Han Zhuo Ling asked her.

Shi Xiaoya gave him a silent look, not the words he had left before leaving.

Han Zhuoling understood and chuckled, "I see Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou are still early, otherwise you cover your dark circles? It looks too embarrassing."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Is he disappointed that she is so ugly now?

Han Zhuo Ling seemed to understand her thoughts, "I like you more without makeup."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Suddenly, what did this sentence come up with!

Who asked if he liked it!

"In fact, you usually put on makeup. I can see the foundation and other things besides the eyeshadow and lipstick. I can't see if you rub it." Han Zhuo Ling said, "You don't make any difference if you have good skin. "

I heard it all in the early years.

With all my heart in mind, Han Zhuoling is indeed the man who has watched all of Shi Xiaoya's videos. Now he can say a few words about women's makeup.

How could he know this before?

I don't think I've even seen foundation!

Shi Xiaoya did not expect that this man still had one day to talk.

It's so nice to say that it sounds like coaxing her.

However, it is rare for Han Zhuo Ling to coax such trouble.

"It's just that your dark circles are a little heavy now, obviously." Han Zhuo Ling added.

Guo Yujie said in his heart, so many things have been laid in front of you, and you just said such a sentence, the desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

It never occurred to me that the three words of survival desire had a chance to be used by Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya also knows that she must be looking at it now.

But I always feel that I don't have to take care of it so much without taking a photo.

It is mainly early in the morning that there is really no time.

But now that she has time, she has not refused.

Han Zhuoling gave up her position to Shi Xiaoya and asked her to sit down and paint.

For the first time, it was very novel to see her make up herself up close, instead of just video.

He was curious about what Shi Xiaoya used.

"Draw more delicately for yourself," Han Zhuo Ling whispered, "you will thank me."

Shi Xiaoya noticed something wrong, "What the **** is going on."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled and said nothing.

"God is mysterious." Shi Xiaoya muttered, but still chose to believe in Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling usually watched her video, she really gained a lot of insight.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya taking out a bottle, Han Zhuo Ling immediately said: "I know this is a new foundation cream that you bought. I heard that it is a very expensive one in the foundation. How does it describe it? Lady foundation? "

(End of this chapter)

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