The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1740: New gameplay

Chapter 1740: New Gameplay

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

When Shi Xiaoya came up with a highlight, Han Zhuo Ling said, "I know this too, is this the one you usually use?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

what's the situation?

"How do you know this?"

This is totally inconsistent with his style of painting.

"I have seen your video." Han Zhuo Ling said very lightly.

Shi Xiaoya, who has always been very stable, almost smeared her lipstick.

"You ... did you go and watch my video?" Shi Xiaoya asked in surprise.

Han Zhuo Ling nodded. "Why so surprised? It was a good shot."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Always feel ashamed.

"How much have you seen?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"See it all," Han Zhuo Ling said.

"See it all?" Shi Xiaoya paused for a moment, "If you watch it all, there are really too many videos, especially when I just debuted. At that time, it was not like now. There are many professional jobs to pick up, only I can make a little fame by taking a video first. I took a lot of videos at that time. "

"Fortunately, each of your videos is not long, and you will finish watching them soon." Han Zhuo Ling said seriously.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

But at that time, she was jerky in all aspects, from language description to makeup skills, it was the existence of dark history.

She didn't want to look at those before.

I didn't expect Han Zhuo Ling to see it all.

"I've always wanted to see for myself how you put on makeup, and it really looks better than the video." Han Zhuo Ling smiled.

Shi Xiaoya blushed when she heard it.

Really, what she said was as if she praised herself.

After Shi Xiaoya finished painting, it happened that Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou were ready.

I thought it was time to start filming, but I didn't expect that a camera had been set up on the scene, and all the staff of the program group had retreated out of the lens.

Shi Xiaoya was surprised. Is this about to start?

She hastened to find a place to hide, and the director who followed Han Zhuo Ling said, "Xiao Ya, you don't have to go."

"What?" Shi Xiaoya wondered.

At this time, I listened to Lu Dongliu standing behind the camera and said, "In this episode, we have changed a little."

"Because the guests of our show are elites selected from various industries. Like Mr. Han Zhuo Ling, is the vice president of the Hanbang Group. Cheng He is the world champion of e-sports. Qin Zigou from the previous issue is a famous costume designer. "

"As you can see, there are only five guests present this time," Lu Dongliu said. "That's because the sixth guest we haven't decided yet."

"No decision?" Cao Jingchen cooperated with a look of surprise.

Everyone knows that the original sixth guest was actually Jiang Yuhan.

Although they did not go out to watch the fun last night, they knew what Jiang Yuhan did.

Today, when I found Jiang Yuhan was absent, I knew that it was Han Zhuo Ling who was angry, and probably Jiang Yuhan never had a chance to appear in this program.

"This is going to be filmed, haven't decided yet?" Zhang Xiangyou also cooperated.

"Because of this issue, we have a new gameplay." Lu Dongliu said, "Speaking of industry elites, in fact, in our show group, photographers, directors, videographers, and makeup artists are all industry elites."

Several guests looked at each other.

They knew Jiang Yuhan could not come, but they didn't know what the show crew was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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