The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1741: No wonder

Chapter 1741 No wonder

"So, for the sixth guest in this issue, we decided to select from the staff behind the scene. For a long time, not only this program, they have been behind the scenes. All the programs can be broadcast, and they will Individual efforts are inseparable. The director group often meets all night to discuss various plans, and the audience finds out all kinds of unexpected routines.

"And the final show finished by the audience, what a show ’s effect finally shows, and it is closely related to our post-production. After each episode is shot, they will find the show to attract the audience over and over again. Click, edit, add special effects, add subtitles, and finally present a complete program to everyone. "

"Our show has indoors and outdoor, but no matter which type, the amount of exercise is particularly large. We followed the camera brother, just holding a dozen pounds of photography equipment, and followed the guests. There was no weight on the guests, one day They were exhausted, not to mention they were holding the camera all the time. When they climbed the mountain and climbed the hill, they were injured. They must also ensure that the guys in their hands could not be injured, and that the guests could not be lost. They must be in the picture. "

The guests all showed respect and nodded frequently.

"Our makeup artist again, this time we are an external makeup artist, not our own show crew. They have not only participated in our shows, but also film and television dramas, red carpet makeup for various awards, etc. It is through their hands. But most of the audience only notice how good the stars are, but they don't think about who the makeup artist is behind the scenes. Well-made film and television dramas, each makeup is extremely elegant, probably few people think about it , How much spirit the makeup artist has invested in it. "

"They are usually hidden behind the scenes, and they are not well known. But I also hope that viewers don't forget that they can enter popular programs to work. They are selected through layers and stand out from the fierce competition. They are the elite in the industry. This The externally hired make-up artists are also a list summarized by our show group after discussion. Each of them is not an anonymous member of the nationality. "

Han Zhuo Ling was very satisfied. Lu Dongliu was quite good. He also made these arrangements before, which made it easier for the audience to accept.

And it does not make people feel that Shi Xiaoya didn't know what relationship she was forced into, and she was even more annoyed and unwilling to see her.

"Now, please all the staff behind the scenes to meet with the audience. Your contribution is not less than others, I hope you will be known to the audience." Lu Dongliu said, "First, please our camera brothers. "

Five follow-up videographers, as well as fixed-time videographers, appeared.

I introduced myself one by one.

"You are invited later." Lu Dongliu said again.

The staff in charge of post-editing and special effects subtitles also came out, unlike the grandfathers who were just clear.

There were even young girls this time.

They all smiled and introduced themselves.

In the end, the makeup artists were invited.

Shi Xiaoya then knew what Han Zhuo Ling meant just now.

No wonder he said she would thank him.

He knew that she needed to be photographed.

Shi Xiaoya said generously to the camera, "Hello everyone, I am Shi Xiaoya, and I am a makeup artist."

(End of this chapter)

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