The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1743: Right hand was held by one hand

Chapter 1743 Right Hand Held By One Hand

Lu Dongliu is very satisfied, this most real response is good.

Otherwise, the audience will think that it is tricky.

"So this time, our sixth guest has appeared." Lu Dongliu said loudly, "It is the famous makeup artist, Shi Xiaoya."

The other staff members showed their faces, went back to the mirror, and went back to their work places to continue shooting.

Now the camera is around the middle of the empty space, and there are only six guests in the middle.

The rest of the staff formed a circle around them, hiding away from the camera.

Lu Dongliu's words ended, and the other guests applauded Shi Xiaoya.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoya turned out to be the sixth guest." Liu Chuanhui said with a smile.

Although each of them is more famous than Shi Xiaoya.

However, as the only female guest in this episode, everyone was very humble and cherished Shi Xiaoya to the middle position.

Where dare Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling didn't say anything.

Cao Jingchen is an internationally renowned movie cafe.

Liu Chuanhui is an old man of old drama.

No way can she stop in the middle.

So Shi Xiaoya hurriedly resigned, and did not dare to go.

Cao Jingchen said with a smile: "It's okay, you are the only female guest in this issue. Of course, you have to stand in the middle, and let you be a **** the side. It's not good. The screen is not coordinated!"

"Ha ha ha ha, Jing Chen is right." Liu Chuanhui said with a smile, "You stand in the middle, this is called a little red in the greenery."

Shi Xiaoya then stood in the middle and happened to be standing with Han Zhuoling.

Cao Jingchen looked at the station and was happy, "You said that it was a coincidence! Originally Xiaoya was Ling Shao's makeup artist, who originally followed him. Now they are recording the show together."

Everyone talked and laughed for a while, and then smiled, and suddenly a bunch of people in black appeared.

Each one had a serious face and a black cloth strip in his hand.

"No, come again?" Cheng He screamed.

The last recording left an extremely sad shadow on the e-sports teenager.

Only Zhang Xiangyou and Cao Jingchen participated in the recording for the first time. The two had no experience and had the biggest response.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Xiangyou hurriedly turned back to ask Liu Chuanhui.

"It's okay, don't struggle, obediently." Liu Chuanhui said to Zhang Xiangyou and Cao Jingchen, smiling and cooperating actively.

Ask the man in black to cover his eyes with a black cloth strip.

Shi Xiaoya's eyes were also covered. Although she had seen the treatment of the guests in the first issue, she knew that there was nothing to worry about.

But it was his turn to be nervous.

She was afraid that she would be thrown alone into a ravine, like the first issue, without the IQ of Han Zhuo Ling, who could solve the problem of the program group without any effort.

Maybe by the end of the recording, she is still thinking about the topic.

One arm was held by a man in black and his eyes were invisible.

Even if it was known that there would be people in black to lead it, there was still no sense of security, and his right hand was tentatively testing in the air.

Suddenly, his right hand was held by one hand.

Even with her eyes closed, Shi Xiaoya subconsciously felt that it was Han Zhuoling.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Han Zhuoling's calm voice of reassurance, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Knowing that he couldn't stay with her this way, but hearing her say, Shi Xiaoya calmed down and calmed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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