The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1744: So sweet and so petting

Chapter 1744: So Sweet, So Petting

She nodded so busy that she forgot that Han Zhuoling was invisible at this time.

Shi Xiaoya clenched his hand tightly, because she was blindfolded, so she couldn't see her holding her hand hard. Han Zhuo Ling smiled silently, and her mouth was hooked.

Han Zhuoling only came to record a show once. Whether it was during the show or when he watched him attend some important occasions, it was hard to watch him laugh.

But now, it was so sweet and so petting!

Lu Dongliu hurriedly motioned for the elder brother to shoot Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Focus on two people.

The camera brother knew, and took a picture of Han Zhuo Ling's smile, and was responsible for the filming of Shi Xiaoya, and took the hands of the two people holding together.

The man in black smoked at the corners.

Each guest has to leave separately. Now the two are holding hands, what should I do?

Did they just separate the two?

They don't dare.

Han Zhuo Ling seemed to know the idea of ​​the man in black. Although blindfolded, he turned to the direction of the man in black.

Man in black:"……"

Han Zhuo Ling Ming could not see, but he was still scared, what should I do?

Chi Xingrui quietly used the headset to contact the men in black, "You don't need to intentionally separate them."

The man in black was finally relieved.

To the hotel entrance, a car for each guest.

Shi Xiaoya did not want to break the rules, so she actively released Han Zhuo Ling's hand.

Han Zhuo Ling reluctantly, pinched her fingertips when they separated, and then got on the car.

Shi Xiaoya's cheeks turned red, but because of his little movement, her heart was warm.

The temperature from his fingertips came from her fingertips, and it was itchy.

Until the two were completely separated, Shi Xiaoya's fingertips still had his temperature and that crispy feeling.

She quietly raised her fist, hid her fingertips in her palm, and secretly capped.

Each guest got on the car separately and was sent away alone.

Until getting on the car, the black cloth strips on Shi Xiaoya's eyes were not removed.

Because I can't see it, I don't know how long it has passed, so I just sit there and feel that the time has become particularly long.

Finally, the car stopped, and Shi Xiaoya was escorted out of the car.

Then she heard the door open and was sent in.

The door closed behind him.

At this time there should be no more people in black because no one is holding her.

So Shi Xiaoya raised her hand and tried to take off the black cloth strip. When no one stopped it, she knew that it was time to start.

She took off the black cloth strips, thinking that she would have to adapt to the light for a period of time.

On both sides of the wall are sconces that have been dilapidated to look like kerosene lamps, but in reality, bulbs are still used for safety.

But the wattage of the bulb is very small, and the light emitted is similar to that of a kerosene lamp.

Although there is a row of lamps hanging on the wall, it can only reflect very light.

The dim light sprinkled from the wall and onto the concrete floor under the feet, the atmosphere seemed particularly terrifying.

Fortunately, she was followed by the director and camera, otherwise she would have been scared to death.

In this regard, Shi Xiaoya was also scared to keep drumming.

This looks like a place in the earth's palace, with only a straight walkway in front of it.

All Shi Xiaoya can do is go forward.

Fortunately, she had the experience of being beside Han Zhuo Ling in the first issue. She remembered that when Han Zhuo Ling arrived in a strange place, she did not move forward immediately, but first looked around the place around her.

It's very narrow here, there is only a long martyr, at least on the left and right, you can see it at a glance.

6 more complete, call monthly pass ~~~ Good night ~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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