The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1747: Follow me

Chapter 1747: Follow Me

Shi Xiaoya didn't come in long, and didn't go far. Even if it happened to happen to Han Zhuo Ling, she wouldn't go this way.

"I was looking for a way after I came in. I wanted to meet with you as soon as possible. After a while, I saw the shadow of red clothes, blood fingerprints, and stepping sounds, and then I heard the male voice screaming. And female voice. I heard that it was your voice, so I found it along the voice. "Han Zhuo Ling explained.

"Fortunately, the entrance where the two of us came in is relatively close, so I can still judge the direction of your voice clearly. If you go a little further, it won't be good." Han Zhuo Ling was relieved.

Fortunately, he was lucky. When he came, he encountered a fork in the road. He chose the right one. He didn't miss it all the way. He found Shi Xiaoya the first time.

"Let's go, follow me, all right." Han Zhuo Ling said.

His voice was calm, but she was reassuring.

He came, but it was just one more person, but she was no longer afraid.

Walk with Han Zhuo Ling. On the road, Han Zhuo Ling took a flashlight to illuminate every step, and said to Shi Xiaoya, "You just need to take a flashlight to shine under your feet, don't take pictures everywhere."

He was afraid that he didn't know what was scary in any corner. Shi Xiaoya was not mentally prepared and took a picture.

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya obediently agreed.

Fortunately, nothing happened this time.

I don't know if the actor in charge of the dress saw Han Zhuo Ling and did not dare to provoke him.

They went to a fork in the road, and an arrow sign was set up on each side.

On the left reads: Heaven's Gate.

On the right reads: The Gate of the Earth.

Han Zhuo Ling took a flashlight to pass over.

See a few lines of small print on each sign.

Here are two tips.

Shi Xiaoya would not comment.

Anyway, Han Zhuo Ling chose which one, and she went.

In the end, Han Zhuo Ling chose the gate of the earth.

"Why did you choose this one?" Shi Xiaoya asked as she walked along.

"It's better to be down-to-earth," said Han Zhuoling, "step on the ground and be down-to-earth."

Shi Xiaoya didn't know if he really chose the road to the gate of the earth for this reason.

It didn't take long for them to see a door.

It should be the gate of the earth mentioned on the sign.

At the door, a middle-aged man in ancient costume had a gray fake beard around his mouth and chin.

If it were not for the presence of Han Zhuo Ling, it was the other person's dress alone that would make Shi Xiaoya startled.

If you're outside, it's okay to encounter such a dress, but it's just role-playing.

But brought into the current environment, but it is very embarrassing.

"Good two, I'm the gatekeeper of the gate to the earth."

"Hello." Han Zhuo Ling said in cooperation.

"The two choose the gate of the land, then before entering, I need to make it clear to the two. After entering, once you enter, you cannot regret it. Entering the wrong gate, you will not find the exit, then you will be punished from this round Eliminated, "said the gatekeeper.

"But before going in, the two have to choose again, and it's too late."

"The door to the ground." Han Zhuo Ling said.

"How about you?" The gatekeeper asked Shi Xiaoya.

"I also choose the door to the land." Shi Xiaoya said.

"Okay, two people come in." The janitor opened the door.

In "Survivor", during individual battles, guests rely on their own choices to freely choose to fight alone or form alliances with others.

(End of this chapter)

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