The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1748: To tell the truth

Chapter 1748: Telling The Truth

Naturally, even if it is an alliance, it is inevitable to calculate each other.

Therefore, Han Zhuoling entered with Shi Xiaoya, and the janitor did not stop.

After entering, I saw two doors on each of the three walls in the room, so there were a total of six doors.

At this moment, a beam of light hit the stone platform in the middle, and a portrait wearing a black robe with a hat covering his face appeared in the beam.

"Hello adventurers," said the black robe.

Obviously, the sound has changed, with mechanical and overlapping husky sounds, "Welcome to the door of the earth. There are a total of six doors here, but only one door is the correct exit. Only by finding the correct exit can we lead to ancient Fort. Otherwise, you will always be trapped here. Eternal life. "

Knowing that it was fake and was arranged by the program group, but in such an environment, it will still be tense.

"So now you have an hour to save yourself," said the man in black, "adventurers, good luck to you."

The man in the black robe disappeared with the light beam, Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling, "What are we going to do next? I'll do as you say."

"I'll take a look first." Han Zhuo Ling said.

The light in the room is so bright that people can see it, but not very bright. Han Zhuoling took a flashlight and took a careful look around to ensure that there would be nothing scary. Then he said, "Look around and don't let anything go Clues, maybe there is something to use. "

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya looked around and went to the table not far away.

There are four treasures in the study on the table.

There was some text on the paper. Shi Xiaoya could not guess any clues from the text, but found it useful, so she picked it up.

I found a stamp in the drawer and put it away.

Han Zhuoling checked each door, and between each door, he used footsteps as a way to measure the length.

"I just found these." Shi Xiaoya gave Han Zhuo Ling everything she found.

"It should not be too difficult, because there are other guests here, and we can't eliminate everyone." Han Zhuoling said.


Tell the truth.

"It's this door," Han Zhuo Ling said.

"How can you be sure?" The director couldn't help asking.

"Each door has the same pattern, and the pattern of each door is in the same position. Only the pattern of this door is slightly offset." Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow. One of the doors was specifically requested to be slightly different for your program group to identify? "


In fact, when they set this level, they also referred to the five-element gossip gate, and also calculated through various mathematical formulas.

But in order to make it easier for the staff in their program group to recognize it, don't remember it wrongly, and put it on the wrong door, so we have deliberately hidden a little bit different.

But the correct answer for the guests is definitely not because the position of the pattern is not right. Hey!

In the first issue, Han Zhuoling's various mathematical formulas came into his own.

Who knows that this time they stopped learning the hegemonic route and found the simplest and rude point directly.

"Is it written on the paper as a reminder?" Shi Xiaoya gave Han Zhuo Ling the clues she just found.

"This is the ancient method of mathematical calculations. At that time, neither Arabic numerals nor Western calculation formulas passed through. We had our own set of methods in ancient times." Han Zhuo Ling explained.

(End of this chapter)

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