The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1770: Disadvantage

Chapter 1770: Disadvantage

But, how come?

"You are so good, why can't you be worthy of me?" Shi Xiaoya said it was incredible, "I don't think you're old."

She muttered, "Neither ... nor is it much older than me. And divorce is not your fault. I don't understand why you are so good. Why would she not cherish it. If it was me, I would take you firmly Hold on, don't lose. "

"Probably because that marriage was emotional." Han Zhuo Ling smiled.

Shi Xiaoya shook her head, "So what?"

To tell the truth, if it is not a family marriage, and if you want to get married by mutual affection, how can Xia Yixin have the chance to marry Han Zhuoling?

It was because of the chance of marriage that Xia Yixin was able to achieve her wish.

Now that she knows that Han Zhuo Ling doesn't like her, she also has the right to choose.

Marry or not.

But since she chose to marry, why couldn't she treat him well?

She didn't work hard by herself, but finally blamed Han Zhuoling for not being good enough for her.

"Anyway, I don't think you are much older than me, nor do you mind if you were married." Shi Xiaoya said.

Han Zhuoling laughed. "I know you don't mind. But I always think that this is my disadvantage and it is not fair to you."

Shi Xiaoya shook her head. "If you knew you when you weren't married, you probably wouldn't like me."

No one would look at him with all his heart on his work.

"I'm ... thankful again, you're divorced. Otherwise ..." Shi Xiaoya whispered, "What else can I do?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Han Zhuo Ling couldn't help laughing.

She's so cute!

Han Zhuoling couldn't help rubbing the poem Xiaoya in her arms as if rubbing a doll.

Shi Xiaoya was rubbed out.

"Why are you so cute!" Han Zhuoling hugged her with a big smile, and kissed her hard against her lips.

Before Shi Xiaoya protested and yelled, her lips were tangled with her.

Until Han Zhuo Ling finally let go, Shi Xiaoya's lips were already red and couldn't look at it.

"Anyway, I'm with you thinking of wanting to marry you, or I'm with you. Otherwise, I'll beg. Dial you, don't you become a joke. Hooligan?" Han Zhuo Ling said, "You are my life to the present, the first One and the only woman I want to marry. It was the first time I liked someone, and I took the initiative to give birth to it. I want to marry her. The idea. "

"If you can't marry, it's a regret that I can't make up in my life." Han Zhuo Ling said, "So you won't have those worries, neither of us will be inappropriate. If you don't mind that I am older than you Much bigger, and don't mind if I had a marriage. Then I think, apart from that, there is nothing to consider. "

"Further-" Han Zhuoling sorted her forehead hair as if she were caring for a child. "Even if you don't think so, it is true that I am 9 years older than you."

"That being the case, is there anything I can't let you do to spoil you? Those who broke up, where are the disagreements, just don't love concession, and love themselves more. If the true disagreement, it won't It took so long to find out before breaking up. "

"Don't say that you have a good temper. Even if I'm really indulgent, I'm willing to spoil." Han Zhuo Ling said warmly.

Shi Xiaoya focused on the head.

She was very fortunate that Han Zhuo Ling did not allow her to refuse tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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