The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1771: It's all you

Chapter 1771 It's All You

Not to mention being stabbed by Han Zhuoling's Hu Jie, Shi Xiaoya immediately regretted it.

If you knew it, you would not kiss.

Han Zhuoling also did not expect that Shi Xiaoya would take the initiative to kiss him.

If he knew, he would have bowed his head.

Where would she just kiss her chin.

"Don't tell me." Han Zhuoling chuckled.

Shi Xiaoya finally found the courage to do so, and when he heard him say it, she was a little bit embarrassed and angry.

Han Zhuo Ling smiled, seeing that he was anxious, bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips, dare not touch her lips.

"Okay, I'm really gone. Take a good rest." Han Zhuo Ling said.

This sound is really not good.

As if in the face of Shi Xiaoya, he didn't know what emotion was to be angry.

Han Zhuoling really left this time.

I'm afraid to drag on, or I won't leave.

Sending Han Zhuo Ling out, Han Zhuo Ling hurriedly returned to the room when he saw no one in the corridor.

I didn't notice that a staff member was seeing at the other end of the corridor.

Shi Xiaoya went back to bed, turned off the light, and she couldn't sleep.

Closing her eyes is the picture of Han Zhuo Ling holding her and kissing her.

In the quiet room, what Han Zhuo Ling had told her kept echoing in her mind.

Shi Xiaoya hummed and rolled around on the bed with a quilt, and tossed and rolled, she really couldn't sleep.

Can't sleep, just don't sleep.

Take out your phone and plan to watch a TV show to distract yourself.

Otherwise, every moment, Han Zhuo Ling's face and voice came to his head.

Find out a TV series she has been chasing. The episode has been updated a lot. It is only because she is slow to watch and always takes time to watch. Therefore, she has not caught up with the latest update.

As a result, Shi Xiaoya found that she could not see it.

The TV series for a while and a half in a daze on the screen didn't even know what was played.

She turned off the video in annoyance, opened WeChat, and frowned at Han Zhuo Ling's name.

I don't know if he's asleep now.

It wouldn't be fair if he rested well and could fall asleep.

Just thinking, the phone suddenly rang.

Startled Shi Xiaoya.

Lie down and look at the phone, the phone almost hit the face directly.

Once again, Han Zhuoling's name is displayed on the screen.

He hasn't slept yet?

Suddenly Shi Xiaoya's heart jumped up.

It's a lot sweeter to think of him as himself.

Shi Xiaoya picked up quickly, "Hey."

Ears clinging to the mobile phone, Han Zhuoling's soft laughter came.

Even through the cell phone, it still sounds awkward, and the ears itch after listening.

"I can't sleep," Han Zhuo Ling said unabashedly, "so I want to hear from you. Listening to your voice, doesn't seem to be asleep?"

Hearing her voice made it clear.

"Um ..." Shi Xiaoya answered weakly.

"I can't sleep after I get back, and toss and turn on the bed. It's all you." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya turned over, half of her face was buried in a soft fluffy pillow, and her ear pressed the phone into the pillow. It was quite convenient to press the phone like this.

Grasp the corner of the pillow with the other hand, and now he was nervous just hearing his voice.

How could this man, in the middle of the night, speak so much?

"I can't sleep, either," Shi Xiaoya said honestly.

Han Zhuoling chuckled, "I wanted to call you for a long time, but I was worried that you fell asleep and disturbed you. But now I really can't hold back, I still want to hear your voice. I never thought you were not asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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