The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1772: Just want to see you

Chapter 1772: I Want To See You

"I ... I close your eyes and you are." Shi Xiaoya said softly.

He was more courageous when he wasn't in front of her. "So I can't sleep anymore."

"Me too." Han Zhuo Ling turned over.

This was his first time, like a fluffy guy, so unstable.

Shi Xiaoya's room was next to him, so he had an impulse now, so he rushed to Shi Xiaoya's room again.

Can bear it.

Shi Xiaoya did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling would be like her.

She always thought that no matter what happened, he would not change his face and would not be affected a little.

Just thinking, the doorbell rang again.

Shi Xiaoya was startled.

Now she is also a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is Han Zhuo Ling, next door.

Shi Xiaoya had the courage and immediately sued, "Some ... someone came to ring my doorbell!"

"..." Han Zhuo Ling was silent for a moment, but said helplessly, "It's me."

"I can't sleep, so come and see you." Han Zhuo Ling said outside the door, "I can't do anything, I just want to see you."

Shi Xiaoya missed him too.

He hadn't seen it for only two hours, but she thought just as he left.

Shi Xiaoya hurried out of bed to the door, and he couldn't let him wait outside.

Now she doesn't care about any restraint, or considering that the two have just established a love relationship, they put people in the middle of the night and will it look casual.

She couldn't care less about these.

She only thought that Han Zhuo Ling was out there, she wanted to see him, and didn't want him to stand outside.

Opening the door, Han Zhuo Ling also held the phone to his ear.

When I saw her, I lowered the phone and hugged her with one hand, stepping on the door.

The backhand closed the door.

Shi Xiaoya was also held by Han Zhuo Ling, but she could only subconsciously tighten Han Zhuo Ling's neck, fearing she would fall.

He held himself in one hand, looking relaxed.

However, she is not very confident about her weight. She is afraid that Han Zhuo Ling will not hold her for a long time.

But Han Zhuoling didn't hold her for long.

Striding to the bed, he planted it directly with her.

Shi Xiaoya grasped the pajamas on his shoulders nervously, and Han Zhuoling whispered, "Does your lips hurt?"

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoya didn't respond.

But after a long break, it really didn't hurt much.

Han Zhuo Ling touched it a little, and when she saw that she didn't feel any pain, she lowered her head and kissed her lips.

He didn't expect it, just two hours, just think so.

Shi Xiaoya bit her lip gently.

If he were tonight ...

Should she refuse?

Shi Xiaoya tangled in her heart.

On the one hand, I think this is too fast, she is not ready yet.

Besides, it has just been established. Is it too casual?

But I knew in my heart that if Han Zhuo Ling really raised it, she would not really want to refuse it.

I just feel that it is not difficult to give myself to him.

She also wanted to give herself to him.

But he was afraid to make him feel that she was a casual person.

But she is not.

Just because I like him, I like it so much. No matter what the requirements, as long as she can do it, she wants to satisfy him.

The two villains in the heart were at war, and Han Zhuo Ling's fingertips were gently pressed on her lips.

Rubbing a little, squeezing her teeth away, rubbing gently where her lips had just been bitten.

(End of this chapter)

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