The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1773: 1812 This is not solemn

Chapter 1773 1812 Such Inconspicuous

"Isn't it painful? Why do you still bite?" Han Zhuoling reluctantly looked at the imprint on her lips with distress.

Shi Xiaoya didn't say a word, buried her face softly in his chest, and stunned for a few moments.

Han Zhuo Ling just looked at her, but her heart was soft.

Her face was buried, showing only a little of her cheeks and white ears.

Han Zhuo Ling kissed her on the exposed cheek, turned over and lay on her side, and held her in her arms.

"Sleep." Han Zhuoling whispered, "Good night."

Shi Xiaoya looked at him in surprise.

Han Zhuoling smiled and shaved her nose. "What do you think I would do? I just want to be with you, what should I do to you? Am I such a unstable person?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

As a result, she thought too much about herself, just as passionate as herself.

Han Zhuo Ling held her tightly in her arms, "Although I really want to, but I won't be so anxious, now I need it. This is not serious."

"Moreover, this is still in the hotel booked by the show, so it won't work." Han Zhuoring whispered in her ear, "I am still tired tomorrow, how can I torment you at this time?"

He knew his situation, and couldn't hold himself against Shi Xiaoya.

Once opened, I was afraid she could not let go easily.

Where did he dare to toss Shi Xiaoya at this time.

Shi Xiaoya heard his words, and his ears turned red, and he dared not hide in his arms.

Holding her beloved girl in her arms, Han Zhuoling was particularly satisfied.

The palms rubbed a few times on her soft and thin back, bowed her head, found her lips, and kissed gently, "Because I thought of you before, I couldn't sleep. So I thought about coming over and hugging you to sleep. You just In my arms, I can see you by opening my eyes, so I can always fall asleep. "

Shi Xiaoya said that the man who was so cold before was smart everywhere else, but when he encountered emotional issues, he became stupid and lacked the string.

But tonight it became so talkative.

Every word she spoke made her heart beat faster.

"Now, can you fall asleep?" Han Zhuoling asked softly.

"I don't know, I try." Shi Xiaoya said.

What if she was more nervous because of Han Zhuoling?

However, she did not expect her heart to become more solid when she smelled the breath of Han Zhuo Ling.

Thinking of him, I can see his chest with his eyes open, and even through the pajamas, he can still feel the firmness.

Looking up a little, you can see his face.

It is not always remembered because he knows that he is next door but cannot see it.

So unknowingly, Shi Xiaoya fell asleep.

Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head, looked at Shi Xiaoya's sleeping face, and kissed gently at the corner of her eyes before closing her eyes.

He knew for the first time that it was such a happy thing to carry his beloved girl.

However, Shi Xiaoya was finally able to fall asleep, that is, after she fell asleep, she dreamed that she was **** like a big tree.

It was as if he had taken root in the ground, a thick tree, and even its roots were particularly strong.

The root of the tree entangled her, and was wrapped in the surrounding land, unable to move at all.

In the dream, Shi Xiaoya was about to call Han Zhuo Ling for help.

She tried to move, but was tied tighter.

Finally, Shi Xiaoya was awakened.

The result is a strong chest, a familiar and unfamiliar breath.

Shi Xiaoya was startled first, then immediately remembered that on her bed was Han Zhuo Ling.

Even with everything that happened last night, I remembered it.

She blinked, looked up slightly, and saw Han Zhuoling's sleeping face.

He slept soundly, so calm.

At this time, he didn't look so mild and cold as usual, and seemed so gentle.

A little bit of scum around the chin and lips was a little longer than last night.

Born on his face, it only looks more manly.

Shi Xiaoya still lacks a touch of realism.

Han Zhuo Ling, for her, could not be overstated as a male god.

It is the existence that I have never dared to imagine.

But now, she was so tightly in his arms that he slept all night.

Now he is her boyfriend.

The kind of righteousness.

Shi Xiaoya's eyes moved from his face to his chest, and when he moved back to his face again, he looked straight into his eyes.

Han Zhuo Ling just didn't know when he woke up!

But she didn't say anything, just looked at her with a smile.

He had always looked stern and cold, but at this time he gently arched his eyebrows, with a petting smile.

Shi Xiaoya was flabbergasted by his eyes.

How could this man be so stunned.

"How did you wake up?" Han Zhuo Ling suddenly turned over and held her in her arms.

Shi Xiaoya held her breath nervously, but saw that he extended his hand, took the mobile phone on the bedside, and glanced at the time.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

That's true.

Watching time depends on time, and doing this action is so misleading!

She thought ... thought what he wanted to do!

Han Zhuoling made a soft laugh from her throat, her face buried in her neck.

The smile squirted and itchy, she could only tremble by holding his shoulders with both hands.

"Hate!" Shi Xiaoya whispered angrily.

Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow, smiled, and looked up at her, "Why do I hate it?"

Can Shi Xiaoya say that his actions made her misunderstand?

It made her so nervous.

What a shame.

Shi Xiaoya said: "Dreaming just now, I dreamed that the roots of the big tree were tight, and I couldn't move, so I woke up. After waking up, I found out that you have long hands and legs wrapped around me On me. "

Han Zhuo Ling couldn't help but buried his face in her neck again, smiling lightly.

Shi Xiaoya is very strange, what makes this funny.

"Xiaoya," Han Zhuo Ling called.

After hearing his call, Shi Xiaoya's body turned red.

Just listen to Han Zhuoling whispering, "Why are you so cute."

Shi Xiaoya's face exploded, but it didn't work well.

This man is really hitting her all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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