The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1774: You're not letting me go?

Chapter 1774: Are You Letting Me Go?

That crispy feeling makes Shi Xiaoya tremble.

Han Zhuoling sighed, "I have to go, or it will be too late for people to see."

"Um." Shi Xiaoya whispered.

"I'm gone, can you still fall asleep?" Han Zhuoling asked with a light smile.

"I can't sleep." Shi Xiaoya answered honestly.

"Then I really don't want to leave." Han Zhuoling whispered, pressing her into her arms more densely, "I really want to just hold you like this and keep mixing on the bed."

This time, Xiaoya couldn't help laughing when changing poetry.

She circled Han Zhuo Ling's waist.

His waist was thinner and stronger than she thought.

"Don't you let me go?" Han Zhuoling asked with a smile.

"I didn't!" Shi Xiaoya quickly let go.

"You talk hard." Han Zhuoling said helplessly, kissed her again, "I'll go, see you later."

After reminding him, Shi Xiaoya remembered that, yes, in an hour or two, they would meet again.

It feels so good.

"See you later," Shi Xiaoya said.

Han Zhuoling really left this time.

Otherwise, the staff of the show team will come out to prepare for today's shooting.

He hurried back to his room and did not continue to sleep, but went to the bathroom.

Seeing his reaction in the morning, he went to the shower helplessly.

This time I will leave so happily, I didn't hold Shi Xiaoya honker again, it was because of this.

He was afraid that if he stayed on, he could not help but do something to Shi Xiaoya.

Just now, he really wanted to continue.

Sighed, and settle yourself in the shower.

After Han Zhuo Ling left, Shi Xiaoya really couldn't sleep.

She turned over and buried her face in the pillow.

The pillow next to it was Han Zhuo Ling who had just slept.

Han Zhuo Ling's breath was on the pillows and the position of the bed next to it.

Shi Xiaoya took a deep breath and wrapped herself in the half of the quilt that Han Zhuo Ling had slept on.

Han Zhuo Ling's feeling of holding her just now hasn't dispersed.

Shi Xiaoyawu smirked.

It was only now discovered that she also had vanity.

Because now she is proud.

Because Han Zhuo Ling is her boyfriend!

With a smirk for a while, Shi Xiaoya got up, took a bath, dried her hair, and painted herself a makeup that is suitable for the photo, but not thick.

This makeup feeling is close to plain face in the lens and very fresh.

It was originally a competitive game, and it was too delicate to dress well.

Shi Xiaoya cleaned herself up, and it was already over six o'clock at this time.

But the director already said last night. Today's shooting starts at 9 o'clock, and the hotel serves breakfast from 7:30. Guests need not worry.

Today's shooting mission is not very heavy.

In order not to delay dressing the guests, Shi Xiaoya and the other five makeup artists went to breakfast early.

At 7:30, the hotel had just begun to serve, and the buffet dishes had not been served, so they all passed.

Seeing everyone there, they laughed.

"Looks like we all want to go together." Shi Feng said with a smile.

The six people simply sat together, and Liu Enxiao said, "I heard the director yesterday, today's shooting task is not heavy, and it should be able to end sooner."

"Sister Xiaoya, how does it feel to shoot the show?" Hong Qiaoxian asked curiously.

"Hmm ..." Shi Xiaoya thought for a while and said, "When I face the camera at first, I feel a little uncomfortable, but then the tasks are so difficult, I will forget the existence of the camera unconsciously, and then I get used to . "

(End of this chapter)

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