The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1775: Very wronged

Chapter 1775: Very Grieved

Everyone was chatting. Suddenly, the others looked at Shi Xiaoya behind, with a look of surprise and even a little nervousness.

Shi Xiaoya was weird. Hong Qiaoxian said, "Why is Ling Shao coming to us?"

"Xiaoya, did you come to see you?" Duan Ping asked with a smile.

Shi Xiaoya turned back in surprise, and saw Han Zhuo Ling walking straight towards her.

He seemed to have just arrived, but he hadn't even had dinner before, so he came to her first.

The other guests arrived, looked at them, smiled, and went to get their meals.

I don't know if Han Zhuoling came in with other guests.

Ming Ming only separated recently, but when she saw Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya was suddenly nervous and helpless.

In front of everyone, she didn't know how to get along with Han Zhuo Ling.

As a result, she saw that Han Zhuo Ling had come over, and she held her back with a natural hand.

This set of actions has been seen by other guests and many staff members.

When I was playing with chicken yesterday, Han Zhuo Ling had come to such a hand. Everyone has been shocked once and is now used to it.

But yesterday, the other five makeup artists were not present, so this was the first time I saw them, all of them sitting on the spot in shock.

"Why did you come here without waiting for me?" Han Zhuo Ling frowned, feeling very wronged.

He also wants to have breakfast with her.

When she went to ring the doorbell, she was not there.

"I got down early to eat and waited to get ready for work. So I didn't call you." Shi Xiaoya followed Han Zhuo Ling's attitude and became natural.

She is not afraid that others will know her relationship with Han Zhuo Ling.

Anyway, Han Zhuo Ling didn't mind others knowing that she was not worried.

Just let it be with him.

Han Zhuoling looked at her dinner plate, Shi Xiaoya got up quickly, "Then I'll eat with you?"

Han Zhuoling's face suddenly brought obvious joy.

Compared with what he is now, he looks aggrieved just now.

Shi Xiaoya guilty of holding up the plate and sitting with Han Zhuo Ling at a table away from the crowd.

"I fell in love for the first time, I have no experience, and I don't know how to get along." Shi Xiaoya said guiltily, "I will call you in the future and stop acting on my own."

I have been single for a long time, and I am used to acting alone.

So, this morning I didn't know if we should call Han Zhuo Ling together.

Han Zhuoling smiled and nodded, "OK."

"Before I finish eating, I won't go to eat first, you go, I'm waiting for you." Shi Xiaoya said.

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling went to the dining area.

Because the hotel was contracted, the entire restaurant had only these people in the show group, not many.

So no matter where Han Zhuo Ling is, it is clear at a glance.

Shi Xiaoya's gaze involuntarily followed Han Zhuoling.

Where Han Zhuo Ling is, her eyes follow.

She didn't even know herself.

When Han Zhuo Ling took his meal and walked back, he saw Shi Xiaoya didn't eat any rice, so he looked at him.

Han Zhuo Ling felt that he seemed to have been poisoned by a name called Shi Xiaoya.

As soon as he saw Shi Xiaoya, he was unconsciously happy and wanted to laugh.

Never again.

Liu Enxiao and others looked at them with surprise.

"You say, what is the relationship between Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuoling?" Liu Enxiao whispered, "I thought Han Zhuoling was different to her before, and helped her everywhere."

When the man in black blindfolded the guests and took them away yesterday, Han Zhuo Ling was holding her hand without fear because she was afraid.

Add 2 more chapters later, today a total of 8 ~

(End of this chapter)

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