The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1776: Offer

Chapter 1776

In Han Zhuoling's nature, if a woman approached him, he would have been scolded to death.

Her face is light in public. Where can she reach out to help?

However, at that time they were all standing behind Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, so they couldn't see the smile that Han Zhuo Ling looked at when she looked at Shi Xiaoya.

Hong Qiaoxian glanced at Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya again, "You said, are they together?"

They ate alone.

Ming Mingzheng and Guo Yujie also followed them in the early years, but did not sit with them.

As for Han Zhuoling's temperament, where would it be easy to sit and eat with women alone.

Obviously came in with other guests, but came to Shi Xiaoya alone.

Not with Lu Dongliu, nor with other guests.

Seeing his posture just now, he must eat with Shi Xiaoya.

There are also some complaints that Shi Xiaoya was not waiting for him.

This treatment is too special.

Whatever they think, they seem to be together.

Shi Feng and others glanced at each other, and they did not take a cautious attitude.

I didn't dare to say Han Zhuoling's gossip behind my back, and I was known.

They can't afford it.

Liu Enxiao lowered her eyes, fiddled with the fried eggs in the plate, the fork poked on the yolk, and the yellow yolk flowed out.

"There is something you may not know." Liu Enxiao said.

Hong Qiaoxian wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Yesterday, the sixth guest of Jiang Yuhan was disqualified, and he was temporarily re-elected in the form of a lottery." Liu Enxiao said, "Actually, Shi Xiaoya was already decided.

"Before Jiang Yuhan was disqualified, I think you have a few counts." Liu Enxiao said.

Everyone was silent.

It was so loud at night that they just didn't dare to go out and watch, but the voice was still heard.

Some words are not so clear.

However, what can a female artist rush to ring Han Zhuoling's doorbell in the middle of the night?

Although she is a makeup artist, she is also a makeup artist mixed in the entertainment industry. She is no stranger to these things and knows a lot.

"It was Han Zhuo Ling who said that Jiang Yuhan was not allowed to continue to stay, so he could only make substitutions. It turned out that Lu Dao was thinking, but it would not work, then only five guests would be fine. It is also a poem recommended by Han Zhuo Ling." Liu Enxiao Whispered.

"How do you know this?" Hong Qiaoxian asked strangely.

Liu Enxiao smiled, "You forgot, I was originally the makeup artist of the show group. I was temporarily brought in to fill the vacancies because of Yuan Yina's affairs. Later, I have been fixed for the guests.

Liu Enxiao smiled, "Speaking of Yuan Yina, it was also because Han Zhuo Ling didn't have the right attitude when he put on makeup, and was replaced by Han Zhuo Ling. He chose Shi Xiaoya to make up for him."

"Other women, just a little closer to him. Poem Xiaoya can do it." Liu Enxiao laughed. "I want to say that Shi Xiaoya has nothing to do with Han Zhuo Ling? I don't believe it anyway."

"Why did the program team choose Shi Xiaoya as the sixth guest?" Hong Qiaoxian was puzzled.

Shi Feng explained: "In fact, it is quite easy to understand. Amongst us, Shi Xiaoya is the most famous. She has the most followers on Weibo and has a large number of domestic and international video sites and social networking sites. Fans. In addition, the appearance is high and the photo is good-looking. The show team is looking for industry elites. Shi Xiaoya is indeed one of the most famous in our industry. "

The 8th is before 1 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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