The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1785: Like a wife

Chapter 1785: Like His Wife

"Who asked you to shoot Ling Shao." The director couldn't say with tears.

"What's wrong? He can't shoot his shoulders?" Cao Jingchen asked.

"It really can't." Han Zhuo Ling smiled, "I'm sorry, I just found Luban's successor and got a prop. Those who eliminated me will be backfired and eliminated. Of course, I can only use this prop once. And it ’s passive. "

"I'm going!" Cao Jingchen yelled, "It's not mean! I'm here to promote the new film. You don't let me show up, you even eliminated me so early. Lost, lost."

Han Zhuoling glanced at him, and said with a stern face: "Your movie was invested by Han Bang. Can you still promote it?"

"Oh, forget, forget." Cao Jingchen patted his head, "OK, then it's okay, I'm gone."

Everyone: "..."

Would you like to be so straightforward?

Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow at Zhang Xiangyou.

Zhang Xiangyou had a look at the combination that was very advantageous. Now he suddenly lost a friend and ran away with a smile.

As a result, Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya again found the penultimate level based on clues.

The penultimate level just needs the cooperation of two people.

Liu Chuanhui also arrived, but he was only one person.

He looked at Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, and said sadly, "It is good to have a companion!"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

How this sounds like a wife.

With Han Zhuoling, Shi Xiaoya was on his side, and this was a natural matter.

The two cleared customs together and waved goodbye to Liu Chuanhui.

"Congratulations, you became the first person to arrive here." As soon as they entered, the man in the black robe that appeared in the underground palace yesterday appeared again. Cooperation can be completed. Only by understanding the true meaning of cooperation can we come here. Today, it is impossible to be a lone ranger here. "

Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling.

Did Han Zhuo Ling see it, she didn't know.

And she simply followed Han Zhuo Ling and trusted him.

"Now, I'll post the last task for you." As soon as the man in black robes finished speaking, his back lit up.

A chessboard appears on the screen, with black and white pieces on each side.

"Is Go so high-end?" Shi Xiaoya was startled. "I won't."

Heipao people said: "Don't worry, it's backgammon."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

With that said, the forced grid came down all of a sudden, even a little bit of laughter.

"The person who wins will be able to get the reward of the last level." The man in black robe said.

Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya followed the instructions, took out the phone, and opened a link to a small program just received in the phone.

Click in, and each enters the chess game.

After being randomly assigned by the system, Shi Xiaoya was assigned to the sunspots, and she went down first.

Gomoku is not difficult, mainly to test the carefulness of the chess player.

With more and more subordinates, as soon as the eyes are spent, it will be easy to ignore them, and they will win the game.

The rest, for the various calculations and the location requirements of the set, are not high.

Shi Xiaoya arbitrarily dropped a son in the middle, and Han Zhuo Ling also fell.

As the two pawns grew more and more, the black and white on the screen became dense and dazzling.

Finally, Han Zhuo Ling dropped a son again, Shi Xiaoya was pleasantly surprised to find that Han Zhuo Ling even made a mistake, did not see that she has a place, and the next son, full of five pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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