The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1786: Seamless love show

Chapter 1786: Seamless Enticement Show

Shi Xiaoya quickly settled down and smiled happily: "I won!"

Looking up, I saw Han Zhuoling looking at her with a smile, her eyes warm and content.

Shi Xiaoya's heart moved, "Aren't you letting me on purpose?"

"No, I didn't notice it." Han Zhuo Ling said with a smile.

"No." Shi Xiaoya is still very confident in Han Zhuoling, "Will you lose? Impossible, you can't miss the trap that I just lost, you must have deliberately let me."

Han Zhuoling laughed: "Anyway, I will have less chance to record the show. I don't know if you will become a resident guest in the future, but in case? If you become a resident, it is better to win this time."

Shi Xiaoya would not arrogantly refuse Han Zhuoling's concession.

He let her in this way, in order to win her and coax her happy.

She also carefully planned for her future.

Moreover, letting your girlfriend win over your own girlfriend is a favorite thing.

Why do you really have to compete with your boyfriend?

Now that he knows he can't win him, then he is willing to let you and make you happy, which is great.

With your boyfriend, what are you doing so seriously?

The subtext of Han Zhuoling's behavior is, how can I let my girlfriend lose?

The man who has always been relentless to the opponent, who has passed the battle all the way, has not lost, but made such a choice to her.

It is totally inconsistent with his usual style of behavior.

There was a kind of poem in the poem Xiao Ya, the ancient king smiled for Bo Hongyan.

And she is the red face.

As for Han Zhuo Ling, he is naturally a king and no explanation is needed.

"Unhappy I let you?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

But looking at her response, it didn't look like she was unhappy.

"No." Shi Xiaoya narrowed her eyes with a smile. "You let me, I'm happy!"

Shi Xiaoya looked at him slyly, "Don't you feel like winning your girlfriend, how?"

"It feels very good." Han Zhuo Ling smiled, and it was all very eye-catching.

Shi Xiaoya reminded the director, "Director, you must cut this section back."

"Why cut it off?" Han Zhuo Ling felt, they were bright and fair, and nothing could not be seen.

"This is a recording, isn't it appropriate?" Shi Xiaoya said.

"Don't you want to admit me?" Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not. Otherwise, in the presence of the director and the camera brother, I would not cooperate with you like this. I hid early." Shi Xiaoya nodded at him, "I just feel that the show is so loving on the show, Isn't it appropriate? "


Oh, you finally realized!

You've been shown for two days, and now you say?

Han Zhuoling finally nodded with satisfaction and smiled again.

I didn't plan to hide him.

"You think too much," said director Pi Xiaorou without a smile. "If Ling Shao doesn't mind your affairs being publicized through our show, then the editors can edit freely and also integrate the final program effect. Where to cut it out? , Where to stay, it's up to the editor. "

The director thought to herself that after recording these two days, she thought about it roughly, but for the shots of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, there is no one who does not hold hands and does not show affection.

Even if you want to cut it, there is no way, unless you don't leave a shot for Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling's seamless show of love is quite okay.

(End of this chapter)

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