The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1787: Han Zhuoling

Chapter 1787: Han Zhuo Ling

In the end, Shi Xiaoya won the victory and won the championship points of this program.

When Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling came out of the last stage, other guests were already waiting here.

"Ah, this period, Xiaoya is hanging up." Cao Jingchen said with a shaking head.

"What's the matter?" Liu Chuanhui said like a cross talk, then Cao Jingchen said.

Cao Jingchen said with a smile: "Ling Shao has been by his side, but the big one has hung up."

Just laughing and joking, finish this issue list.


Han Zhuo Ling arranged to leave the next day.

So that night, like the other guests, they stayed in the hotel for one more night.

The show group also considered the issue of time, so the hotel was packed until tomorrow.

At night, when Shi Xiaoya finished packing, she was a bit tired.

Speaking of which, today is more tired than yesterday.

Yesterday, I just walked in the palace, and soon cleared the customs.

But today I spent the whole day in the ancient city.

Because she is leaving tomorrow, Shi Xiaoya is afraid that she will be too late to pack tomorrow, so she will pack her luggage at night after dinner, so as not to be busy.

Shi Xiaoya is really tired enough to survive such a busy life.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, she was too lazy to apply the mask. She did basic skin care and hurried to bed.

It's rare that tonight is too tired, so I can't sleep because of thinking about Han Zhuo Ling.

When she slumbered, she heard someone ring her doorbell.

Shi Xiaoya rubbed her eyes and got up to turn on the lights.

Thinking about whether it was Han Zhuo Ling, but because he was not sure, he didn't dare to open the door.

As soon as he got to the door, he received a call from Han Zhuo Ling.

"It's me." Han Zhuoling's voice chuckled, "I don't think you dare to open the door and tell you something."

"I really don't dare to open it. I just wanted to call you and ask if it was you." Shi Xiaoya said.

The hotel door has no cat's eyes and no chains.

If the door is opened, there is really no security at all.

Now hearing Han Zhuoling's words, Shi Xiaoya just hung up on the phone and opened the door.

Sure enough, I saw Han Zhuoling standing at the door.

Han Zhuo Ling couldn't help rushing to see her drowsy face.

Without waiting for Shi Xiaoya's response, she strode in, and when she picked up Shi Xiaoya, she kissed.

The doors hadn't been closed before.

Shi Xiaoya was awake at this moment, and subconsciously held Han Zhuoling tightly.

Han Zhuo Ling kicked, and then closed the door.

And all of this was seen by Liu Enxiao.

Originally, Liu Enxiao was going to find Shi Xiaoya.

Tap side by side, and set a few words from Shi Xiaoya's mouth.

I want to know what Shi Xiaoya has to do with Han Zhuo Ling. Han Zhuo Ling wants to treat her so well.

Even today's game, Han Zhuo Ling also intentionally let Shi Xiaoya win.

Although she was not involved in the recording.

However, after the guest recording ended, including the director's group chatting, the information inside revealed that today's recording is that Han Zhuo Ling has been with Shi Xiaoya.

Including the final level, Han Zhuo Ling intended.

If this is to say that there is nothing between Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, it is a fool.

Therefore, Liu Enxiao wanted to go to Shi Xiaoya to "chat".

I didn't expect to see such a wonderful scene.

Liu Enxiao quietly returned to the room.

There is no need to ask Shi Xiaoya anymore, her questions have already been answered.

The fifth is at 1 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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