The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1819: Be jealous

Chapter 1819: Be Jealous

This is good. She also doesn't like the man's temperament when he drinks.

What can you do if you don't have even the least self-control?

"Dad, this is too much." Han Zhuo Ling said embarrassed, Shi Xiaoya took the initiative to speak, "And still drink it, too easy to get drunk. Turning back to the stomach is uncomfortable."

"Happy today." Shi Guanzhong smiled and said, "I don't usually drink too much. It is rare to be together with Zhuo Ling today. Our grandfathers have a good drink. You may not pull it, which defeats our interest. "

Shi Guanzhong again said to Shi Nancang: "Nancang, you also accompany us. Let's have a good drink. Our grandpa hasn't been together for a long time."

Shi Xiaoya watched Shi Guanzhong's address to Han Zhuo Ling. From the beginning of Mr. Han, he is now a grandfather.

Seeing that she couldn't stop Shi Xiaoya, she looked at Han Zhuoring sorry.

How bad it was to get drunk when he first came home.

Han Zhuoling said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Since my uncle is happy, I will stay with you."

"That's it, Xiaoya, don't stop, please disappoint!" Shi Nancang said very badly.

Shi Xiaoya didn't dare to perceive the poem, but she was not afraid of Shi Nancang!

Staring directly at it.

Shi Nancang said "Hey" in his heart.

How good his sister was to him before, but now he glares at him for other men!

Look at him dying at noon today Han Zhuo Ling!

Shi Xiaoya had no choice but to ask Du Yichen.

Du Yizhen also felt sorry for her future son-in-law, saying: "You just give me enough! The first time someone Zhuo Ling came, you would make people go home drunk, like what!"

"Relax, we have a few," Shi Guanzhong said.

Du Yizhang said with heart.

But this posture cannot be stopped now.

Han Zhuoling quietly squeezed Shi Xiaoya's hand, "Relax, it's okay."

Shi Xiaoya had to look at him sorry.

When they were drinking, Shi Xiaoya desperately served Han Zhuo Ling with vegetables, so that he could eat more food when he was free, so as to avoid drinking on an empty stomach.

Before eating, Han Zhuoling took care of Shi Xiaoya.

But this time, being struck by Shi Nancang and Shi Guanzhong, Han Zhuo Ling could not help it anymore.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya picking his fishbone again, Han Zhuoling quickly said, "Don't take care of me, eat it yourself."

"You're just drinking, it's hard to eat without food," Shi Xiaoya said.

When Han Zhuo Ling saw this, she hurriedly put vegetables in her plate.

Du Yizhen looked at Han Zhuoling's care for Shi Xiaoya and nodded frequently.

Sure enough, her previous thought was correct, and she can see that Han Zhuoling usually takes care of Shi Xiaoya.

At least Han Zhuoling's movements to take care of Shi Xiaoya are very skilled, but Shi Xiaoya's movements are a bit rusty and not very proficient.

But Shi Guanzhong looked very uninteresting.

Don't look at Shi Xiaoya living outside herself, but Shi Xiaoya does not have much time to do it herself, let alone take care of people.

Usually, the aunt at home helped her get things done.

Shi Xiaoya occasionally cooks, which is what she wants to do, a little fun in life.

When at home, it is even spoiled by the whole family.

Everyone else takes care of her, where she has taken care of others.

But now, she took the initiative to take care of Han Zhuo Ling.

He has never enjoyed this treatment as a father.

Therefore, Shi Guanzhong's mood switched back and forth between happiness and jealousy.

6 more complete, for today's monthly pass ~

(End of this chapter)

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