The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1820: Let's discuss the wedding date

Chapter 1820 Let's Discuss The Marriage

In the end it turned into a solitude.

Her lovely little girl is about to be arched by a pig.

As a result, Shi Guanzhong and Shi Nancang together poured Han Zhuo Ling wine.

How clever Han Zhuoling was, he soon realized the poem's attitude.

So it didn't take long for Shi Guanzhong to be coaxed by Han Zhuo Ling again.

Du Yizhen looked at it coldly, and Poem Guanzhong was simply being played by Han Zhuo Ling. Applause!

What a shame!

Anyway, Shi Guanzhong is not too young, and he has been in the shopping mall for decades, but he can't support a few rounds in Han Zhuo Ling's hands. He is not an opponent at all.

Du Yizhen secretly said to Shi Xiaoya, "Fortunately, our family and Han family are not in the same field. We haven't competed with them, otherwise we haven't competed with each other before. I used to see your dad and your brother are quite powerful, but now, with Han Zhuoling One comparison, it ’s really weak. "

Han Zhuo Ling's eyebrows smirked in Shi Guanzhong, and after a while, he heard Shi Guanzhong shouting, "Oh son-in-law."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

After only a few moments, I changed my name to son-in-law!

"Master Father-in-law!" Shouted Han Zhuoling from kindness.

"You can't bully our Xiaoya, you can't let her be aggrieved. Although our family can't compare to the Han family. But Xiaoya has also been held in our palms since childhood. I have never let her suffer. "It's even worse," Shi Guanzhong said. "You have to remember that we spoiled her, but it didn't make her feel wronged here."

"You can rest assured," Han Zhuo Ling said, "how can I be willing to let him be wronged? I won't let her feel wronged or let others feel wronged."

Shi Guanzhong nodded, "Don't just speak nicely, you must do it."

"You look at it."

Shi Xiaoya looked at the three of them, and felt that she had no idea what good things to do in her life.

So in this life, I am so happy.

Some parents and brothers are petting him. Until now, when he met Han Zhuo Ling, he continued to be petted by him.

Seeing Shi Guanzhong's concerns about her, she was so uneasy about Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya couldn't tell the warmth in her heart.

Du Yiming could not say with tears of laughter: "I have never seen my wife's house for the first time, so I called my father-in-law directly. Han Zhuo Ling is not ordinary."

Du Yichen whispered to Shi Xiaoya.

Who knows that Han Zhuo Ling Mingming drank a lot of wine, and even heard it, he turned to Du Yichen and said, "I associate with Xiaoya, and I ran to get married from the beginning. It's not too early to call father-in-law."

Du Yichen: "..."

It's rare that Du Yichen is so old that he blushes all the time.

It was all because of his whispering that he was embarrassed when he heard him.

Fortunately, nothing bad was said.

Han Zhuo Ling's ears are so good.

Only Shi Xiaoya, seeing Han Zhuo Ling's situation, her heart suddenly raised.

Sure enough, I heard Han Zhuoling followed by a cry, "Mom."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Du Yichen: "..."

Shi Nancang: "..."

Only Shi Guanzhong drank too much, and now he can't respond.

Hearing Han Zhuoling calling his father-in-law and Du Yi auntie was kind of happy.

"Good son-in-law!" Shi Guanzhong immediately filled Han Zhuo Ling with wine. "Since you called it that way, I really treat you as a son-in-law. You can't do something sorry to Xiaoya!"

Han Zhuoling immediately took up the cup, "Dad, if you are not at ease, should we discuss the wedding date?"

Shi Nancang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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