The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1821: The timing is really 666

Chapter 1821 This Timing Is Really 666

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Come on the first day, you will discuss what kind of marriage is!

Fearing that Shi Guanzhong would just agree to do so, Shi Nancang quickly took over the words, "You are not ridiculous! You are all drinking, if you drink too much, you suddenly come to discuss the wedding, which is too great! What did Xiaoya consider? She brought this up under such a drama? "

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Her brother caught 666 at this time.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't mean this, how could he be gentle with Shi Xiaoya?

It is just following the words of Shi Guanzhong, just right.

There is absolutely no meaning in child play.

Because he was not drunk, he was sober.

However, according to Shi Nancang, Han Zhuoling also felt inappropriate.

He was busy explaining to Shi Xiaoya, "I don't mean to despise."

Shi Xiaoya smiled and shook her head, "I know."

Shi Nancang shook his head with an expression of hatred for iron and steel. "You know what you know."

Shi Xiaoya hummed her cheeks so she wouldn't be provoked.

At this time, Han Zhuoling said, "I really have something wrong to mention at this time."

Du Yichen was more satisfied with hearing this.

Hearing Han Zhuoling immediately said, "It's better to have the two of us together tomorrow and discuss the matter?"

Shi Nancang: "..."

It is because he is too young to have enough knowledge to understand the sinister heart.

I did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling's face was so thick, he even climbed down the pole so high!

Shi Xiaoya didn't think that just after falling in love for a few days, she rose to the point of getting married.

How can there be such a flash marriage.

It sounded uneasy to listen to.

Du Yizheng too.

Even if satisfied with Han Zhuo Ling, never thought that Shi Xiaoya would fall in love with him and marry directly.

The suitability of the two is not only in the material conditions, but also in the spiritual fit.

Personality is consistent with three perspectives.

With each other for a long time, each other can tolerate each other's affairs.

It is indeed possible to marry together.

Don't get impulse to get married, only to find out that they are different from what you think.

Neither to Han Zhuo Ling nor Shi Xiaoya.

"This is too hasty," said Shi Nancang.

Poems that have been drinking too much at this time cannot be counted on, and it would be nice if he didn't help.

Shi Nancang can only look at Du Yichen.

Du Yichen also smiled and said, "You don't need to worry so much."

Du Yichen thought about it and said, "This is almost the New Year. There are so many things going on in the past, no matter how rushed. It's better to be after the year."

Shi Nancang: "..."

Shi Nancang looked at the question mark.

Mom, are you serious?

You're not drinking, why is it like drinking?

I'm here to help you, not for you to marry my sister!

Du Yiming ignored Shi Nancang's bitter eyes and smiled at Han Zhuo Ling, "Well, it will be within next year."

Anyway, now is really not a good time to talk about business, Han Zhuo Ling did not insist anymore.

Years ago, I really couldn't wait.

He nodded. "Either way."

Fearing that Han Zhuo Ling would say something to abduct his sister, Shi Nancang hurriedly filled Han Zhuo Ling with wine again, "Come, drink, drink!"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Her brother really is not Han Zhuo Ling's opponent.

Shi Nancang's heart was so stingy.

Several rounds with Han Zhuo Ling, he never won.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes are much more susceptible to dense phobia. Where is his sister an opponent?

(End of this chapter)

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