The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1822: Will Han Zhuoling be coquettish?

Chapter 1822 Will Han Zhuo Ling Be Coquettish?

This wine has been drinking from 12 noon to 3:30 pm.

Shi Guanzhong was completely dizzy. He pulled Han Zhuoling without letting go, so he just said that he would be better.

Shi Nancang was drunk too, but he was a little better. He didn't talk quietly, and was supported by his aunt to rest on the sofa.

Shi Nancang leaned on the sofa, trying not to sleep.

"Really ..." Du Yichen said to Han Zhuo Ling in an embarrassed manner. "Today is a joke for you. It's so old that you haven't counted on drinking."

Du Yiming supported Shi Guanzhong, who wobbled and couldn't stand anymore.

There was something muttering in his mouth.

Han Zhuo Ling looked sober.

Stand firmly, without shaking, there is nothing strange on the face.

It was impossible to see that he drank so much wine.

It is really surprising that he is so massive.

Han Zhuoling said, "I'm sorry, I let my uncle drink so much."

"It's none of your business." Du Yichen said indifferently. "It's him. What's your drink is still unclear? What can you do if you hold it? You can't refuse. Fortunately, you have a good drink. I drank you down too. This is the first time I have come to the door. I am so sorry. "

Han Zhuo Ling smiled, "It's all right, next time I notice, I won't let my uncle drink so much."

"Okay," Du Yizhang said with a smile, "I'll help him back to the room first."

Otherwise, let Shi Guanzhong stay here and say some drunk nonsense, but it's going to be a joke.

"Okay." Han Zhuoring still smiled.

Du Yijun quickly helped Shi Guan to return to the room.

Shi Xiaoya then touched Han Zhuoling's cheek. "I can't see it. Although you rarely drink alcohol, you can drink a lot."

"I'm holding on." Han Zhuoling was relaxed when the person was gone. "When my aunt talked to me just now, I didn't dare to move my head. When I moved, I was dizzy and ugly."

According to Han Zhuoling, Shi Xiaoya remembered that just now Han Zhuoling was just talking, but he never saw his head move.

Suddenly, his shoulders sank.

Han Zhuoling bent down slightly, and his head rested on Shi Xiaoya's shoulder.

"Dizziness," Han Zhuoring whispered.

His voice was in his throat, lazily.

Listen, it looks like coquettish.

Will Han Zhuoling be coquettish?

Shi Xiaoya felt that she heard it wrong.

However, she did hear it just now.

He also has a strong smell of wine.

If it was replaced by someone else, she would definitely be stubborn.

But from Han Zhuo Ling, she didn't feel bad at all.

Bowing slightly, Han Zhuo Ling's face was particularly close to her.

With a slight movement of her lips, her lips could touch his cheeks.

Seeing that Han Zhuo Ling had her eyes closed, her breathing was long, and she seemed to drink a lot, and was not very comfortable.

I thought he hadn't changed his face after drinking.

But now looking closer, he noticed that his cheeks were still a little red with wine.

Probably like his character, nothing is easily revealed.

So even if you drink too much wine, the redness is also light and extremely low-key.

Shi Xiaoya raised his hand and rubbed his temples. "Then wait for my mom to come out, let's go and go back to rest and rest."

"Um." Han Zhuoling's voice was as lazy as in a dream.

"What are you doing?" Shi Nancang, who was already leaning on the sofa, didn't know why he suddenly woke up, sat up sharply, pointed at Han Zhuo Ling and said, "Get up! Don't take advantage of my sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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