The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1827: Stick people

Chapter 1827: Sticking People

"Xiaoya?" Han Zhuoling called softly.

"Huh?" Shi Xiaoya answered softly.

"Call to listen." Han Zhuo Ling insisted, "I want to hear you call me intimately, not so unfamiliar."

Shi Xiaoya lowered her head, did not dare to look at him, and was so embarrassed that her scalp became numb. It took a long time to scream, "Zuo Ling."

The voice was soft and half in the throat.

But Han Zhuoling heard it clearly.

This is already a great improvement for Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling didn't make her cry any more.

In this case, it would be nice to be able to call her like that.

Slowly, she will get used to it.

"Can we go back now?" Shi Xiaoya blushed.

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling got out of the car with Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling walked from the door of the co-pilot to Shi Xiaoya. The person who had walked quite well immediately came next to Shi Xiaoya.

He put most of his weight on Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya could only help him, and he said that he was just fine in the car just now?

She was so quick-minded that she couldn't say a word.

How come out that's it.


Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling very suspiciously.

Han Zhuo Ling saw Shi Xiaoya's expression at the corner of her eyes, her eyes fluctuated slightly, and her eyes overflowed. The person's Guanghua said, "I wasn't too ill in the car, and I felt very uncomfortable when I got off the bus. , I feel a headache. "

When Han Zhuo Ling was talking, he was lazy and weak.

Shi Xiaoya thought about it too, now it's cold and windy outside.

The car was warmed with air-conditioning heating.

Now suddenly came out and was blown by the cold wind.

Even in the usual state, I can't stand it, let alone Han Zhuo Ling has drank so much alcohol.

Definitely uncomfortable.

Shi Xiaoya no longer doubts, and even feels very guilty that she just suspected that Han Zhuoling was acting out.

Holding Zhuo Ling Han couldn't stand in front of the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, Shi Xiaoya rummaged in her bag.

It was a simple thing, but it was extremely difficult when Han Zhuo Ling was making troubles.

Han Zhuoling now leaned on Shi Xiaoya as if she had no bones.

Such a tall man still bent down, struggling to rest his head on Shi Xiaoya's shoulder.

Shi Xiaoya was panicked for him, and he didn't feel awkward body pain.

His hands are still around Shi Xiaoya's waist, making Shi Xiaoya almost unable to see his bag.

"You send it away first, I can't feel the card." Shi Xiaoya had to say.

"I can't stand it," Han Zhuoling said lazily.

This time Shi Xiaoya said she didn't believe him.

Trust him to be a ghost.

Say good and steady?

Say good arrogance and indifference?

It's all deceiving, and now I can't see it at all.

"Why didn't you find you so sticky before?" Shi Xiaoya muttered quietly.

However, this small voice was also heard by Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling laughed angrily.

Sticking to her, she still hated it.

See him stick to others?

In order to be next to her, he ignored the image.

It was just like this in front of her, she even talked about him.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes froze slightly, very dangerous.

Unfortunately, Shi Xiaoya is now focusing on finding a card, she hasn't seen it.

Shi Xiaoya looked at it and felt it. As soon as he was pushed by him, he was pushed to the wall next to the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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