The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1828: Do you have the patience to kick me out?

Chapter 1828 Do you have the heart to drive me out?

At this moment his eyes were all gentle, and his eyes looked so beautiful on him.

Touch her.

After all, a person who was so cold usually gave her all the tenderness at this time.

Han Zhuo Ling was about to fall again.

Who knew Shi Xiaoya's response was suddenly quick at this time. Taking advantage of this gap, he grunted out of Han Zhuoling's arms and rolled out of bed.

Han Zhuo Ling gave a mistake, smiled helplessly, and lay on her bed.

She still smells all around.

Looking helplessly at Shi Xiaoya, her expression was not good.

Shi Xiaoya was purely nervous, and the subconscious response was to escape.

At this moment, she said, "I'm back with the soup today. I'll go and heat it for you."

After speaking, without waiting for Zhuo Ling's response, Shi Xiaoya hurried away.

In the darkness, Han Zhuo Ling couldn't see that far, and suddenly heard a bang.

Han Zhuoling hurried up and turned on the light when he ran out.

The room was bright, and as soon as he came out, he saw Shi Xiaoya rubbing her shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhuo Ling hurriedly ran to her.

"It's all right, I just didn't see it and touched it." Shi Xiaoya said.

Han Zhuoling was helpless, "In your own home, what is the arrangement at home, you can't remember?"

"Yes," Shi Xiaoya muttered, "is ... too nervous."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled and pinched her cheek. "I won't really treat you. I just want to kiss you."

"I know." Shi Xiaoya still trusted him, "but also nervous."

"Stupid." Han Zhuo Ling reluctantly squeezed her face before asking, "Where did it hit, shoulder?"

"Just hit it on this door frame, it doesn't hurt." Shi Xiaoya said.

"I heard a loud cry," Han Zhuoring blame.

"Just touched it, but the clothes were thick and didn't hurt." Shi Xiaoya explained.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't believe it, so she pulled her collar aside, "Have you hit this side?"

Shi Xiaoya nodded.

Pulling her collar down her shoulder, she saw her shoulder red.

Because she had white skin, it was obvious.

Han Zhuo Ling rubbed it a few times, but he did not expect the rubbing place to follow.

Shi Xiaoya reluctantly said, "Look, it's either because it hurts or it's easier to get red."

Making sure she was fine, Han Zhuo Ling was relieved.

Anyway, Shi Xiaoya went to the kitchen to give him hot hangover soup, and Han Zhuo Ling waited in the restaurant.

The hangover soup poured from the thermos was quite hot.

Shi Xiaoya heated for another minute and it was hot enough.

"Drink, do you have a headache?" Shi Xiaoya brought the hangover soup to him.

"A bit." Han Zhuo Ling said, and took it.

Shi Xiaoya said that she had a headache and kissed her. This person was really good.

Shi Xiaoya glanced at the time and did not expect that it was already more than 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Han Zhuo Ling drank the soup and said, "It's so late, would you have the patience to kick me out? And I'm still having a headache."

"..." Shi Xiaoya said helplessly, "Surely not."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled, "Then you let me stay?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"Just keep you for one night," she emphasized.

Can't you say so ambiguous. Ambiguous? As if leaving what he was going to do.

"I know, I didn't think of anything else." Shi Xiaoya did not admit that she did want to be a little bit crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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