The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1829: Another way

Chapter 1829: Another Way

"After you finish the soup, you are going to wash and wash properly, and sleep is comfortable." Shi Xiaoya said.

It happened that Han Zhuo Ling had left the things she had brought to the "Survivor" show group with her.

So now everything is ready-made, or he is used to it, she doesn't need to prepare specially.

Han Zhuo Ling finished his soup and went to take a bath.

After an afternoon of sleep, I was really awake now and not sleepy.

Shi Xiaoya also went to another bathroom, took a quick shower, and washed well.

He was suddenly taken to bed together in the afternoon, and she had not had time to freshen up.

When Xiaoya was all packed, she was embarrassed and went back to the bedroom.

Some regret it, when I designed the house, why didn't I leave a guest room?

Cheer up for yourself and return to the bedroom, Han Zhuo Ling is already lying on the bed.

Shi Xiaoya went to the other side of the bed and pulled herself to cover herself.

When Han Zhuo Ling saw that she was nervous enough to move, she took her into her arms and said, "Remember to follow me to the old house tomorrow?"

Shi Xiaoya nodded.

Tomorrow isn't the first time to see the elders of the Han family, but it is the first time to see them as Han Zhuo Ling's girlfriend.

In the past, the elders of the Han family were to her ordinary ordinary family elders, and the relationship with her was not very telling the truth.

But now, it is the elder of his boyfriend's house, more likely to be his elder in the future.

Coupled with sleeping all afternoon, Shi Xiaoya couldn't sleep nervously.

She hadn't been so nervous when she had dinner together before.

"Want to see someone with a pair of dark circles tomorrow?" Han Zhuoling said funnyly.

Shi Xiaoya nodded in his arms, "I got a lot of sleep in the afternoon and was a little nervous."

"It's all you, have to pull me to sleep." Shi Xiaoya complained.

"Can't sleep, how about sleeping differently?" Han Zhuoling strangled over her in a blink of an eye. "It takes a bit of energy to improve the quality of sleep."

Shi Xiaoya instantly understood what he meant.

It never occurred to me that Han Zhuo Ling would even say such a connotation.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know how to come up with the idea, if she had surrendered as an ostrich long ago.

But at this moment, he actually hugged Han Zhuoling's neck directly, and turned to hold him down.

It's also because Han Zhuo Ling was too surprised, and didn't work hard, so she was easily oppressed by Shi Xiaoya.

But Shi Xiaoya didn't do anything, just like a koala, holding Han Zhuoling tightly, "I'm sleepy and can sleep."

She turned out to be like Han Zhuo Ling before, and tied him with her hands and feet so that he couldn't do anything.

This girl is really naive.

If he really wanted to do something, she wouldn't have enough strength to see it.

Han Zhuo Ling pulled out an arm, patted her forehead, "Look at you scared, treat me as a beast of flood?"

"No, no." Shi Xiaoya's face was buried in his arms and he didn't dare to show it, so he shook his chest with his chest.

Han Zhuo Ling restored his freedom with both arms. Shi Xiaoya's strength was not his opponent at all.

He wrapped his arms around Shi Xiaoya's waist, "Sleep and do nothing to you."

Probably his heartbeat was too soothing, and Shi Xiaoya's heart gradually calmed down, and some were sleepy.

Not knowing when, she fell asleep completely.

(End of this chapter)

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