The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1845: I still have a big sister

Chapter 1845: There Is Still A Big Badger

When Guo Yujie was talking, Shi Xiaoya put all the makeup on and started to make up Lu Man.

"In fact, it is not a big deal, I just didn't hold back." Shi Xiaoya explained, "I also know that even if I finish this time, they will still be unconvinced and will say bad things about you. I just hope they can get them this time Converge a bit, don't go too far. At least I'm a little bit sceptic. "

Guo Yujie gave Shi Xiaoya a laugh, and said with a smile, "Isn't Han Shao's scruples not big enough? But they aren't just shattered. This person, jealousy never stops."

"Yu Jie's words are true." Lu Man laughed. "Anyway, this kind of thing hasn't been less before, it won't stop now, and it won't be less in the future. I'm used to it. And what they say also affects Can't do me. "

"But ..." Lu Manhua turned sharply, looked up at Shi Xiaoya, and frowned, "I still have a big sister, when I meet someone who talks badly about me, I still stand up for me and support me."

Shi Xiaoya was blushed by Lu Man.

What a big deal!

I usually used to see Lu Man's ease in the entertainment circle, calm and confident look, I didn't know she was so narrow!

"Who said you bad things?" A steady and nice male voice rang from the door.

Lu Man three turned around and looked at them.

I saw that Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling actually appeared at the door.

"You have arrived so early?" Lu Man was surprised.

Even if it is almost the Spring Festival holiday, many employees in Hanbang are going home because of this, so the company always gives them holidays in advance.

However, Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling will not be on vacation so early, they will persist until the last day.

Even if something happens temporarily during the holidays, both of them will deal with it as soon as possible.

Holidays are a luxury for them.

"Nothing is happening today. The company's employees have gone almost halfway. Anyway, it's going to be a holiday soon, and I will leave the other people early." Han Zhuo Li explained, and came in with Han Zhuo Ling. "And there's your performance today, and we'll take the opportunity to come early."

Han Zhuoli said, people had come to her.

Shi Xiaoya stood on the other side to make up Lu Man.

Han Zhuo Ling also came over, because Han Zhuo Li and Lu Man were there, he was restrained, and did not come to give Shi Xiaoya a kiss.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know what he was thinking. She turned around and smiled at Han Zhuo Ling before she continued to make up Lu Man.

"You haven't said it yet. Someone in the troupe told you bad things?" Han Zhuo Li didn't plan to let Lu Man confuse the problem.

Helpless, Lu Man had no choice but to say: "This kind of thing can be encountered everywhere. It's all because of jealousy, imbalance in my heart, no big deal. It's not a big deal, a little run on words, I really haven't Take it to heart. "

Actually think about it, Lu Man has always been like this.

From the beginning, he worked in the public relations department of Hanbang.

The colleague's verbal run and rejection had no effect on her.

She didn't care, and wouldn't retaliate, just do her thing well.

As long as the other party doesn't do bad things, do something actually harmful.

Such as wearing still, or those who have encountered after entering the entertainment industry.

At first, nothing happened.

It was those people who actually acted before Lu Man shot.

Lu Man didn't panic every day when he was full. Just because the other party said something bad, he had to talk to others.

(End of this chapter)

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