The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1846: You can be envious, but you cannot be jealous

Chapter 1846: You Can Be Envious, But You Can't Be Jealous

In that case, she would be too busy.

"And ah, Grandma has already helped me out and supported me." Lu Man said with a smile.

Han Zhuoli still stumbled before he reacted. Lu Man's sister-in-law was Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuo Ling turned his head and smiled, seemingly not convinced, so Shi Xiaoya's temperament even learned to support people.

Moreover, still give Lu Man support.

Don't do the reverse for the two of them.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed by what Han Zhuo Ling looked at, pushed him aside, and whispered, "Don't interrupt my work."

"I did nothing." Han Zhuoling said innocently.

Lu Man saw that Han Zhuo Ling was in front of Shi Xiaoya, so she looked so cold, she couldn't help laughing.

Shi Xiaoya ignored Han Zhuo Ling, and was concentrating on her work. Suddenly, she listened to Han Zhuo Ling and said, "However, she has a great manner.

Shi Xiaoya shook her hand and almost crooked Lu Man's eyebrows.

She blushed at Han Zhuo Ling.

What to say!

But Lu Man smiled and stooped, his tears almost burst out.

"..." Shi Xiaoya gritted her teeth. "You laugh, you have to repaint your makeup."

"Okay, I don't laugh anymore." Lu Man carefully wiped a little bit of tears from the corner of his eye with a cotton swab carefully, "Listen to Dasao."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Why is Lu Man so narrow?

Even Han Zhuo Li couldn't help laughing.

She couldn't mess with her hairstyle, so she reached out and poked her cheek.

How so naughty!

But naughty really made him like it!

At this point, Han Zhuo Li had the same distress as Han Zhuo Ling.

Had it not been for Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya, he would have lured Lu Man into his arms.

At this time, the two brothers disliked each other at the same time and the other half of the other was a light bulb.

Just as Lu Man was about to finish his makeup, the door of Lu Man's dressing room was knocked.

Before Lu Man's makeup was finished, Shi Xiaoya was naturally busy here.

So Han Zhuoli took the initiative to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, I saw the starring role of this drama, as well as important drama roles, as well as entertainers specially invited by Xu Jiashan. Looking at the past, there were only seven or eight people, all at the door.

"Han Shao" is headed by the male lead Xu Yahan, a middle-aged male actor with a good connection, and the female lead is beside him.

Han Zhuo was very clear. These people did not come to see Lu Man. They came to him and Han Zhuo Ling.

But he didn't mind. In order for Lu Man to develop smoothly in the future, so as not to be stumped in the troupe, Han Zhuo invited them in politely.

The crowd was a bit flattered, but did not expect Han Zhuoli to be so polite.

Lu Man could only pause his makeup first, and stood up to greet everyone.

"Mr. Xu." Lu Man called one by one.

Xu Yahan and others have also been very kind to Lu Man.

Whether it's because of Lu Man's performance or Han Zhuoli behind her.

In fact, even if Han Zhuoli was left alone, Lu Man himself could not make them faulty.

At best, people have a hard background and develop more smoothly.

But you can envy it, but you can't be jealous.

They knew that some young actor in the group could not see the road.

I felt that Lu Man was incompetent, thanks to Han Zhuoli's support, all luck.

If Lu Man's resources are given to them, they can also do what Lu Man does.

But Xu Yahan really wanted to say that these people are jealous of Lu Man's life, so why not jealous of the richest children?

(End of this chapter)

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