The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1847: Brain watt

Chapter 1847: Brain Watts

Because Lu Man's dressing room is not large, so many people come in at once, it seems a little crowded.

Han Zhuo Li did not close the door, and their chat voices here came out without reservation.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of some other actors.

Look carefully and find out how Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling are so approachable.

Han Zhuo Ling and Han Zhuo Li are very tacit understanding.

Han Zhuoli did not discuss with him.

But from Han Zhuoli's actions, Han Zhuolin knew Han Zhuoli's meaning.

They actively cooperate.

It is difficult for him to be so impassioned that his image is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that he suddenly becomes kind and startled. He still doesn't dare to relax and talk to him.

How clever Lu Man, naturally guessed Han Zhuoli's meaning.

For her sake, this man was also entertaining with so many people, including Han Zhuo Ling, they are usually people who try to avoid entertaining, but now, how can she not be moved.

There are other actors who have the courage to join in.

Sun Xiutong also wondered, "Why is it so busy outside? What is it?"

Someone just came back from the next door and said, "It's Han Shao and Ling Shao next door. I didn't expect that the two were so good at each other and chatted with the big guys there. Several teachers of our drama Chat with them there. A lot of young actors have passed by, whether they can be remembered or not, it's always possible to show their faces. Sometime when Han Bang has a show, people will remember us. "

It's better to make money than filming a drama.

Who doesn't want to be famous for making more money.

Su Yuting said to Sun Xiutong, "Well ... let's go and see?"

Sun Xiutong bit his lip and felt a little guilty, "Can you do it? What we said before let Shi Xiaoya hear it, and Shi Xiaoya must tell Lu Man."

Someone beside him heard Sun Xiutong's hesitation and sneered.

They now know that they are going to Baba's house, and they said Lu Man before that. Wu Jingli was really thinking of Lu Man.

Sorry to go now?

Even if they pass, they give them a good face?

But obviously, the colleagues still underestimated the two.

Su Yuting encouraged Sun Xiutong. "It's a big deal. Let's please her more in the future. If you go now, you may have a chance. Don't go, but you have no chance at all."

"So too." Then the two went together next door.

When they left, the former man snorted. "It's really thick."

"What do you care about them, they just don't have the brain. They don't want to think about their previous attitude, but now they want to please, late." Another said.

Besides Sun Xiutong and Su Yuting, they went next door as soon as they went out.

There were already a lot of people in the room, and the two went in, and no one noticed them.

Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling are chatting with others.

Not only starring, but even some young actors, Han Zhuoli talked to them very well.

"I didn't expect you to be so young, and you can still put your heart down to perform the drama." Han Zhuo Li praised, "This is really good. In fact, performing the drama, precipitation of acting skills, no matter what role in the future, whether it is in a TV series, also Or in movies, Hold can live. "

"There are ready-made examples in our circle. Like Mr. Xu Yahan, we often participate in drama performances from time to time. Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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