The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1851: Next year don't come back alone

Chapter 1851 Don't Come Back Alone Next Year

This hot search is certainly not bought.

Many artists are very unbalanced.

They usually find someone to follow, they deliberately make news, they have not been able to search hotly, but Lu Man just went to play a drama, and then searched hotly?

It's that simple?

Just play a drama, as for?

The visibility has increased again.

Naturally, black powder still exists.

Don't miss any chance to sing the opposite.

"Oh, no one can play Xu Jiashan's play. You just saw Lu Man going to play the drama. You didn't see Xu Jiashan's play. How strong is the cast. She can play such an important role Is it because of Han Zhuo Li? "

"She's low-key? I'm so ridiculous, Lu Man is the least low-key person. Isn't this the hot search on this drama now?"

Lu Man ignored all these remarks.

These people don't want to live their lives well, and they are really anxious when they become keyboard men all day.

Anyway, Xu Jiashan's drama was a huge success when it premiered.

There is depth, content, acting.

After waiting for the Spring Festival, I went to tour around.


In the blink of an eye, it was the Spring Festival.

At the beginning with Han Zhuoli, Lu Man was still worried.

When he was thirty years old, he went to the old house with Han Zhuoli for the holiday and had a reunion dinner.

But Xia Qingwei has only one person at home.

Now that Xia Qing is not accompanied by Wang Juhuai, Lu Man need not worry.

Went to the old house with Han Zhuoli.

In the afternoon, Han Zhuo Ling and Han Zhuofeng also returned.

The two brothers entered the door together.

The old lady saw it and said with regret, "Zhuo Ling."

Han Zhuo Ling looked at the old lady.

What happened?

Seeing the old lady's appearance doesn't seem to say anything good to him.

"Grandma?" Han Zhuo Ling called.

"Can you bring Xiaoya back for Chinese New Year next year?" The old lady asked.

Han Zhuo Ling was relieved. It turned out to be this matter.

"Absolutely." Han Zhuo Ling said with confidence.

The old lady was very happy. "Okay, don't come back next year alone."

"..." Han Zhuofeng pointed to his nose. "Grandma, what about me, I came back with my elder brother."

Mrs. Han said perfunctoryly, "Oh."

Han Zhuofeng: "..."

Before, he was the most beloved pistachio in the family.

The old lady was stunned, and devoted all her energy to Han Zhuoli, who was still single at the time.

Now, Han Zhuo Li is married, and Han Zhuo Ling also has Shi Xiaoya.

So, he is not the cutest baby in the family anymore?

Han Zhuo Ling patted his shoulder to show comfort, went to sit down, and said to the second old man, "I already told Xiaoya that I'll go to her house tomorrow to celebrate the New Year."

"Okay." The old lady nodded happily.

"Zhuo Feng, you are about to graduate soon," said Mrs. Han. "I remember that you and Manman are at the same level. This year is also a junior."

"..." Han Zhuofeng was stunned. "Grandma, I'm still young!"

"Look at you scared, I don't urge you!" Mrs. Han glared at him, "I just want to remind you that you are now a junior and you are about to graduate now. Time flies, don't care. I feel like I'm still young. When you react, you have to be a senior man. If you don't want to be like your two older brothers, you have to start working hard early. "

"That's right." Lin Liye said immediately, "Good girls don't wait for others, and will soon be chased away by discerning people. When you meet someone who already has the Lord, you will regret it. It might as well be young , Hurry up and meet someone you like. "

(End of this chapter)

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