Reference 1852

"Mom, you said it too, I have to meet it. If I can't, I can't help it." Han Zhuofeng spread his hands. "Look at my elder brother, isn't this the only time I have encountered my future grandma?"

Talking, Han Zhuofeng also blinked at Han Zhuoring secretly.

This means that he can speak so much. At a critical time, Han Zhuo Ling may have to help him.

Han Zhuo Ling was pleased by his "future grandma", and a smile that couldn't hold back appeared on his face.

Gives Han Zhuofeng a reassuring look.

"Look at my elder brother again, isn't this my elder sister who only met after 30?" Han Zhuofeng said again.

Lu Man: "..."

How can I listen to Han Zhuofeng's comments, as if talking about her two.

"So this thing, you can't be in a hurry, and you can't rush. You can't meet if you are fate?" Han Zhuofeng said.

"If you dare to be like your two brothers, you will find a girlfriend in your thirties and see if I don't break your leg!" The old lady was anxious.

Han Zhuofeng: "..."

Why can his two elder brothers only find it in their thirties, but it wo n’t work for him?

Han Zhuofeng turned to Han Zhuo Ling for help.

Han Zhuo Ling said, "Grandma, let Xiao Ya and Lu Man pay attention to whether there are good girls around them. They are close to Zhuo Feng, and they have a lot of opportunities to meet young girls. I have no chance to contact Zhuo Li and I do n’t want to Contact to avoid misunderstandings. "

The old lady nodded and thought it made sense.

Han Zhuofeng: "..."

What a joke, he is still so young!

His elder brother, how about helping him?

Han Zhuofeng, who had promised to help him, had already got up at this time, went to a place where nobody was there, and sent a video invitation to Shi Xiaoya.

After ringing for a long time, Shi Xiaoya accepted it.

Han Zhuo Ling was asking why it took so long, and saw that Shi Xiaoya was putting a marinated seasoning on a chicken.

"Are you cooking?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

"My hands were full of oil and spices just now. It was not convenient to slide the screen. I had to wash my hands first, so I took it a little late." Shi Xiaoya explained first.

Because the Chinese New Year's Eve is being prepared, I put the mobile phone in a suitable place to support it, so I can video with Han Zhuo Ling while preparing.

"I was thinking, it seems that I have not cooked for my own family, so I take advantage of this opportunity to prepare a few dishes for dinner, and give my family a taste." Shi Xiaoya said.

Before Han Zhuo Ling went to her house, she cooked by herself, thinking that she was actually good at crafts, but she hadn't tasted it for her family. It was a bit ridiculous to say so.

Busy at work, often in the field.

Now that I am at home during the Chinese New Year holiday, I would like to make a few dishes while I have dinner today.

"Are you responsible for the whole New Year's Eve dinner?" Han Zhuoling asked.

"No, it's just two or three. I really want to take care of everything, so I don't know when I can eat." Shi Xiaoya explained with a smile.

Although Han Zhuo Ling went to a corner with few people, he did not avoid people.

The old lady and others can still be seen in the living room.

She smiled and said to Lin Liye, "After Zhuo Ling is in love, it's not the same anymore, she will still call people and take a look at his gentle look."

Although he couldn't hear what Han Zhuoling was talking about, he could see that he was laughing all the time, his eyebrows were soft and awkward.

Lin Liye Xin nodded comfortably, "Yeah, I can finally rest assured. Just waiting for Zhuo Feng to stabilize, I really have nothing to worry about, and no more regrets."

(End of this chapter)

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