The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1853: Think beautiful

Chapter 1853: Want To Be Beautiful

"New Year's Eve, what nonsense!" Han Dongping said aside.

Lin Liye frowned. "What did I say?"

"No regrets about what to say, it's unlucky!" Han Dongping was displeased.

"Then do you want me to have regrets?" Lin Liye sneered, "I mean nothing else, I just hope that their brothers are all right, I have nothing to worry about, you have to misinterpret it, why don't you want me? "

"Don't talk nonsense!" Han Dongping flushed slightly. "How can I think so! I never hope you're upset!"

"Huh!" Lin Liye snorted, and ignored her.

Sun Yan was about to start making dumplings, Shen Nuo went to help, Lin Liye left Han Dongping and went.

This is the tradition of the Korean family. The dumplings that are celebrated each year are packaged together by big guys.

There are all kinds of stuff, and all kinds of stuffing.

When Shen Nuo was young, he would also prank and add wasabi to the dumplings.

Just pick a dumpling and see who will eat it.

This is not to say that they all have to do their own work or something, just a tradition.

On the 30th day of the year, the family was chatting around the table while wrapping dumplings.

Until now, Shen Nuo and Lin Liye were both going to be grandma, and they would all rise up on this day, acting like a little girl.

Originally Lin Liye was a very stable person, but she had been dwelling with Shen Nuo for a long time, and was also affected by her, her temper gradually narrowed.

At this moment Lin Liye's turn came to a whimsy, and he added spicy sticks to individual dumplings.

The spicy strips she saw on the Internet before are said to be particularly hot, and many people love to eat them.

Where did Lin Liye eat this, I was curious and bought some back.

When I saw the brand of spicy strips, I made the spicy strips in various shapes and names.

Lin Liye thought that the taste was different, so I bought each of them, but unconsciously, it was a big box.

She had n’t had time to eat it after arriving, so she brought it with her in a full box today.

As a result, everyone found that the taste was okay, it was too salty and oily, not as delicious as rumors.

So Lin Liye picked some of them and dumped them into dumplings.

The old lady could n’t smile, "I remember last year, Anuo wrapped canned pineapple in the dumplings and mixed it with the meat filling. I didn't expect it to be delicious, a little bit of pineapple gruel. As a result, you made spicy again Stick it in, this is the rhythm of eating dark dumplings once a year. "

"It may not be delicious, maybe it is delicious." Lin Liye said with a smile.

Han Xiyi came over to make fun, "Yo, which one has the hot stick? Make a mark for me, so as not to win the prize."

"Think beautiful." Shen Nuo said with a smile.

Han Xizheng joined the fun and wrapped a normal one.

Because his bag is really ugly, you can see at a glance that it is his bag. The whole dumpling itself is a very obvious mark.

So Shen Nuo didn't allow him to pack special flavors.

Han Dongping didn't go there, watching them sitting around the table from a distance, and snorted, "What a big person, so unstable!"

After speaking, when he saw that Han Zhuofeng was going to make fun, he stopped him, "Zhuo Feng, come with me."

Han Zhuofeng looked at the restaurant rejoicing, and then looked at Han Dongping's black face, he felt that one side was bright, and generally dark.

In the end, he sighed and left with Han Dongping.

(End of this chapter)

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