The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1902: it's me

Chapter 1902: It's Me

Just like the third episode to record the show, in that underground palace, in fear, she called Han Zhuoling's name subconsciously.

It was so timely that he appeared just after she called out his name.

As long as he is there, she will never be afraid again.

Now, that's it again.

Just now Zheng Xuexin couldn't make it work. She and Guo Yujie were not as powerful as Zheng Xuexin's big man.

In order to maintain his figure, Zheng Xuexin also has a fitness habit and builds a muscle.

Not to mention the strength.

At that moment, Shi Xiaoya hoped that Han Zhuo Ling would be here.

But he didn't expect that he could hear her voice, and it really appeared!

When Zheng Xuexin got up again, he saw Shi Xiaoya holding Han Zhuoling's arm tightly, and then saw Han Zhuoling holding Shi Xiaoya so tightly, her heart was cold.

Now, he still can't see where. What Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie said just now is true.

Shi Xiaoya is really in love with Han Zhuo Ling!

"You don't believe what my girlfriend said?" Han Zhuoling asked coldly.

"Believe! I believe!" Zheng Xuexin now dare not believe anything.

"I didn't expect anyone to dare to think of my girlfriend." Han Zhuo Ling's face was irritated.

Zheng Xuexin gave a slap and gave himself a slap.

"Ling Shao, don't give me general insights!" Zheng Xuexin said, quite capable of flexing and stretching. "I'm clumsy, I don't know. I'm stupid. It's me! I ... I really don't know Miss Shi is you—"

"Don't know? What if you don't know? Whoever, a girl's family is unwilling, you can force it? If you change someone else, you can force it? If I don't arrive in time, you still want to win against my girlfriend No way! "

Han Zhuo Ling said more and more angry.

The thought of Shi Xiaoya was entangled by such a beast. She almost broke into the door.

The next thing is even more afraid to think.

Han Zhuo Ling was so angry that he couldn't chop this thing in front of him!

"It's me wrong! It's me wrong!" Zheng Xuexin knelt directly in front of Han Zhuo Ling and gave him a head scratch. "Ling Ling, you spared me, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Zheng Xuexin raised his hand and gave himself a slap. "From now on, I will definitely change, not just Miss Shi, even if it is another girl, the other party will not accept it, I will not linger again. I will see the poem in the future. Miss, I must be respectful of her. If she doesn't want to see me, as long as she is there, I will avoid it! "

I am afraid that only Shi Xiaoya can speak in front of Han Zhuo Ling.

Zheng Xuexin shoved his head toward Shi Xiaoya again, "Miss Poem, it's my bastard. You're right, I'm disgusted, I'm shameless. I promise to change, and never make this mistake again. Forgive me Come on, you can hit me and scold me, just ask you to forgive me! "

Fortunately, this floor was all contracted by the show crew, and there were no other guests.

Otherwise, seeing that Zheng Xuexin with a good reputation is such a virtue at this time, must not be scared to death?

Shi Xiaoya secretly dragged Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling looked down at her.

He said that poet Xiaoya should not be softened by being said a few words.

He listened to Shi Xiaoya and said, "I don't care, you just dispose of him casually. But I think that before me, there must be many victims, isolated and helpless, they can't fight him at all. In the end, they can only eat such a big loss, I feel wronged. Not to mention the past, even in the future, I don't believe he can really change. "

(End of this chapter)

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