The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1903: She misled me!

Chapter 1903: She Misled Me!

The so-called dog can't change the feces, so Zheng Xuexin's face-changing speed is really credible.

Zheng Xuexin couldn't hear Shi Xiaoya's words, and looked at Shi Xiaoya Baba, hoping that Shi Xiaoya could help him plead in front of Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya didn't suffer this time, but she was sickened enough.

But everyone else!

Some people have accepted the conditions he put forward, regardless of whether they have been deceived, at least, they want to take what they want and seek benefits from it.

But what about the girls who were really forced by him?

Who will decide for them?

Zheng Xuexin's appearance, the humbler the performance, the more disgusting Shi Xiaoya!

"Miss Shi, Ling Shao!" Zheng Xuexin begged hard, "Forgive me! Please, please forgive me!"

"It's all Liu Enxiao!" Zheng Xuexin remembered, "It's all Liu Enxiao's cheap man! She misled me! It's her--"

However, Han Zhuo Ling did not give him a chance to finish, and struck his face directly, "Go!"

At the same time, he also interrupted his words.

Zheng Xuexin covered his nose, only feeling the pain in his nose, as if something hot was flowing out of his nostrils.

Mouth was bloated and **** inside.

I don't know if the lips were broken, the blood that bleed out, or the teeth inside were directly removed.

But these are too late for Zheng Xuexin to feel.

Han Zhuoling's "roll" made him see hope.

He thought that Han Zhuoling had let him go and would not hold him any more.

Zheng Xuexin hurriedly covered his nose and mouth and ran away.

Unfortunately, when the elevator came, he rushed in without even looking at the people inside, just facing Shi Feng, Ling Xiaoen, and Duan Pingxian who were originally prepared by Shang.

Earlier, Liu Enxiao hadn't contacted them at all, but found an excuse to say that the three of them had already gone out for supper in advance.

But in fact, it was crooked.

Because Shi Feng and the three of them did go out for supper in advance.

At this time, I just came back and took the elevator to see Zheng Xuexin rushing in, covering his nose and mouth.

The three did not know for a moment whether they should greet Zheng Xuexin.

Is it better to pretend not to know?

Zheng Xuexin is like this now, and should not be willing to be recognized by others.

As a result, Shi Feng's tacit pretense did not recognize Zheng Xuexin and left the elevator.

When the elevator doors closed, the three men looked back at the elevator.

"Did Zheng Xuexin come to Shi Xiaoya for trouble?" Shi Feng whispered.

In the morning, Zheng Xuexin was entangled in Shi Xiaoya, and everyone in the entire show knew it.

Now Zheng Xuexin is likely to be reconciled, so he came to Shi Xiaoya again at night.

"What the hell!" Duan Pingxian did not like Zheng Xuexin.

"Isn't Xiaoya going to suffer?" Ling Xiaoen said.

"It shouldn't be, she lives with an assistant. And this whole floor is staffed by the show crew, and they will definitely come out if there is any noise." "

"Anyway, let's take a look first." Shi Feng said.

Duan Pingxian and Ling Xiaoen also felt that this was better, so they went to the direction of Shi Xiaoya's guest room.

The three did not expect to see Han Zhuo Ling in the corridor outside Shi Xiaoya's guest room!

Han Zhuo Ling was carrying a suitcase beside him.

"Ling Shao," shouted the three of them.

Han Zhuoling nodded at them.

"I didn't expect Ling Shaozai, then we left." Shi Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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