The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1904: What is bullying

Chapter 1904: What A Bully

When Han Zhuo Ling heard this, he asked, "Are you here to find Xiaoya?"

"When we got out of the elevator just now, we saw Zheng Xuexin covering his face, and he was afraid he would come to Xiaoya, so he came over to check it out," Duan Ping explained.

"Attentive." Han Zhuo Ling smiled at them.

People who have always been serious and suddenly smile are really flattering.

"Xiao Ya is fine, she is packing inside now, and will come back to my room with me later." Han Zhuo Ling said freely.

He's all here, so naturally he can't live alone.

Otherwise, why is he here?

Of course I have to bring Shi Xiaoya together.

Moreover, when you say that, you have directly established the relationship between the two, so that other people don't think about it.

Although the three of Shi Feng really have no other ideas.

From the third issue, we can see the relationship between the two, and I don't have any thoughts about Shi Xiaoya.

But Han Zhuoling was still very annoyed to announce it again.

Shi Feng, how can they not understand.

For a while silent.

I did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling was so naive.

It really made them long-sighted.

Ling Xiaoen laughed twice, "Since Xiaoya is okay, let's go now and not disturb."

"Thank you for taking care of Xiaoya." Han Zhuo Ling also smiled.

The three of them were busy and polite, and hurried away in the opposite direction.

Their room was in the opposite direction of Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuoling waited in the corridor.

After a while, Shi Xiaoya dragged her suitcase out.

"Leave Yu Jie here, I'm not assured." Shi Xiaoya said.

"Zheng Xuexin didn't dare to come back." Han Zhuoling said.

Guo Yujie sent them to the door. "Yeah, he was scared by Ling Shao into that kind of counseling. How dare he come over again. Besides, I locked the door. As long as no one comes, I won't open it, it's fine."

Shi Xiaoya nodded. "Then you call me immediately if you have something. You don't need to wait for me to pick it up. As long as my cell phone rings, I know you call me."

"Well, rest assured." Guo Yujie remembered something again, "Yes, Ling Shao, Zheng Xuexin apparently gave Liu Enxiao a confession. Why don't you let him continue?"

Looking at Han Zhuoling just now, it seems that he intentionally interrupted Zheng Xuexin's words.

In Guo Yujie's view, Zheng Xuexin just made it clear and talked about what Liu Enxiao had done.

However, Guo Yujie did not doubt Han Zhuo Ling's intentions.

Anyway, he must not let Shi Xiaoya suffer, nor will he help Liu Enxiao.

How could Liu Enxiao have such a big face?

"You don't need to listen to him, I just need to know that Liu Enxiao's calculations are indispensable." Han Zhuoling said.

He took a look at Shi Xiaoya, and the rest of the plan, do not know whether to let Shi Xiaoya know.

He was a little worried whether Shi Xiaoya would think he was too cruel.

Shi Xiaoya shook his hand. "Let's just say that I can figure it out. Originally, if it was Liu Enxiao who framed me, I wouldn't let her go."

Shi Xiaoya let Han Zhuo Ling know her attitude, and she was not a soft lamb.

No matter what Han Zhuo Ling intends to do, she won't feel it.

Because, she believed in the man's worth.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya's attitude this way, Han Zhuo Ling smiled easily.

In fact, if you think about it, you know that those who can match Lu Man's temper are not bullying.

6 is more complete, please ask for a monthly pass, good night everyone, I continue to save the draft ~

(End of this chapter)

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