The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1913: I never thought you would do things with high profile

Chapter 1913: I Didn't Expect You To Do High-profile Things

"Some people just because of jealousy. The blame for their incompetence is because of the luck of others." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Liu Enxiao has a bad heart, no matter what the circumstances, she can find a reason to deal with you. "

Shi Xiaoya no longer struggles with this matter, and while watching TV with Han Zhuo Ling, ate supper.

"By the way," Survivor "seems to be broadcast today." Shi Xiaoya glanced at the time, "Just right, it just started 10 minutes, today is just the third episode."

Shi Xiaoya quickly took the remote control and changed channels with a smile.

Han Zhuo Ling also remembered, "No wonder Lu Dongliu came back so early. It turned out that they had to hurry back to watch the show."

Just after speaking, Shi Xiaoya's mobile phone received a reminder from Chi Xingrui.

Remind the crew including the staff and guests to broadcast the third episode of Survivor tonight.

Shi Xiaoya returned one, "Received."

After Chi Xingrui's mass distribution was over, seeing Shi Xiaoya's reply, she replied: "This broadcast is exactly the third issue, full of dog food for you and Ling Shao. After reading, remember to talk about, How do you feel watching your own dog food? "

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She forgot about it!

Just thinking about her in the third period, I also want to see how well I perform.

As a party, it is naturally difficult to realize the tiredness of Han Zhuo Ling.

Now reminded by Chixing Ruiyi, suddenly she couldn't bear to look straight.

Watching myself with Han Zhuo Ling on TV, openly showing affection in front of audiences across the country.

And in this way, her love affair with Han Zhuo Ling also seems to be hidden.

Although, she never thought about hiding it.

It was announced from the TV program, and it was well known, some ... too high-profile.

Shi Xiaoya was so nervous that she turned red.

Han Zhuo Ling noticed that he didn't understand, "What's wrong? Watching the show for the first time, nervous?"

"That's why." But what did Shi Xiaoya say?

What she was most nervous about was actually not knowing how well she and Han Zhuo Ling performed on the show.

When recording the third episode, she often forgot the existence of the camera, so it was natural to get along with Han Zhuo Ling as usual.

Shi Xiaoya is now a little scared. She was too relaxed and natural at the time, and it was not good to show open affection with Han Zhuo Ling on the camera.

She was really afraid of her bad performance.

The two had finished their supper at this time, and Han Zhuo Ling took her into her arms and turned up the volume of the TV.

"I was still thinking about how to publish our two things, only to be grand and high-profile." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya was about to lift her hand and pluck her ears, but she was so embarrassed at the thought that she was now embarrassed to let go in front of Han Zhuo Ling, and she stopped.

But still surprised that his mouth was wide open to swallow eggs.

Han Zhuo Ling still has such a side!

Isn't he always particularly low-key?

In this regard, do you still want to announce the relationship between the two in a grand and high-profile way?


Shi Xiaoya is a little nervous!

"What's your reaction?" Han Zhuo Ling pinched her mouth. "Don't you think I would announce it to the outside world?"

"No," said Shi Xiaoya, "of course I know you won't hide it, even if you didn't expect you would do things with high profile."

(End of this chapter)

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