The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1914: Everyone knows

Chapter 1914: Everyone Knows

Before Han Zhuo Ling returned to China, everything about him was just a legend.

After returning to China, he rarely showed up and did not publicize himself except for the necessary activities and the support activities of Lu Jia's family.

Any public social account he has but rarely uses.

It's too low-key.

Didn't expect this matter, but worried that it was not grand enough and high-profile?

"That is to myself." Han Zhuo Ling explained, "There is no need to preach about my own affairs. It is not a low-key purpose, but a high-key thing."

"But our two things are different, we must let those who have a good opinion of you all give up their ideas. And I just want to let everyone know that you are my girlfriend." Han Zhuoling said holding her.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed to think that Han Zhuo Ling was too exaggerated, and she loved everyone she said.

No one likes her.

If so, I won't be single to this day.

Han Zhuo Ling saw her thoughts but did not explain.

He would not tell her about Shen Shi'an, and she let Shi Xiaoya impress Shen Shi'an in vain.

"Anyway, I feel hello, you are so good, why is there no one likes it?" Han Zhuo Ling took the opportunity to boast.

Shi Xiaoya feels that her boyfriend is so talkative!

"At the time when Zhuo Li and Lu Man's open relationship were at the awards ceremony of the film festival, it can be said to be very grand and very high-profile." Han Zhuo Ling said, "You can't be worse, but in a short time, you can't find Announce it at a suitable occasion equivalent to it. This time, the broadcast of the program can have the same effect. "

On the scene, the award ceremony must be more solemn.

This one variety show is incomparable.

But in terms of attention, it is still a variety show.

Therefore, the two choices of the brothers have their own strengths.

In this way, Shi Xiaoya is under great pressure.

This is to make everyone known!

"Watch the show." Han Zhuo Ling reminded Shi Xiaoya.

He is also looking forward to what the two guys will look like on the show.

I don't know how much the show crew cut it out.

Because before the editing, Lu Dongliu asked him.

Han Zhuo Ling stated that he did not need to conceal his relationship with Shi Xiaoya, and their editing was mainly based on their program effects.

Of course, the audience must not be given the illusion that he has a bad relationship with Shi Xiaoya.

Negative things cannot be used to create the heat of the show.

Lu Dongliu would certainly not do this.

Therefore, I edited with confidence and boldness, without carefully avoiding it, I had to cut off the footage of the show of love between Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Now the staff introduces themselves before the show airs.

Han Zhuo Ling reminded Shi Xiaoya that it was her turn to make an introduction, and then she draws lots.

In the end, of course, Shi Xiaoya won the guest of the show.

Then, the people in black covered their eyes.

In the picture, Shi Xiaoya was obviously nervous and her face was a little pale.

"It turned out that I was like this." Shi Xiaoya couldn't help voicing herself. "So stupid! There is nothing terrible now, why am I so scared then."

"Because the experience is not the same as watching. In the first period, the guests are also nervous. Do you think they are just pretending to be nervous because of the effect of the show? In fact, just by talking constantly, they express that they are nervous. , It seems that he is just doing the effect, and concealing his true feelings. "

(End of this chapter)

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