The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1929: How unprofessional do we look?

Chapter 1929: How We Are Unprofessional?

Xia Yixin, of course, will be in these people.

It was only that Han Zhuo Ling had long forgotten the existence of Xia Yixin.

For Han Zhuo Ling, Xia Yixin was a member of the army of passersby.

Even if she knew it, it didn't matter.

From the end of the show to the opening of the trend, the two kept refreshing the blessings of everyone.

Everyone in the program group already knows that they want to see the effect of the program after it was broadcast. Naturally, they also saw what Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya had disclosed, and they all sent their blessings.

At this time, various media also started to post news. The reporter was awakened from his sleep by phone in the middle of the night, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes could not be opened.

Because Han Zhuo Ling suddenly revealed, different from Han Zhuo Li.

Han Zhuoli first made it public at the film festival, the media reported, and then he tweeted.

There is a certain buffer in the middle.

Moreover, before officially revealing that his wife was Lu Man, in fact, he had already said on Weibo that he had a girlfriend, then got engaged, and then got married.

Life events have been made public, but Lu Man's identity has not been made public.

Later, Lu Man made public. Although everyone was surprised, they already had a lot of cushion. Although the impact was great, they accepted it quickly.

Unlike Han Zhuo Ling, he suddenly threw such a blockbuster.

There were no signs before, and nothing was revealed.

The most important thing is that Han Zhuo Ling's impression of Gao Leng is too deep.

Everyone feels that he is unlikely to fall in love for at least a year or even years after his divorce.

This person didn't have a face that could fall in love.

Handsome and high-cold, but because it is too handsome and high-cold, it gives a feeling of not being close.

It is only suitable to be held on the altar and looked up.

I dare not think about how he would step down from the altar one day, and could not imagine it.

No one thought about that. His sudden publicity was naturally unpredictable and very impactful.

So many people still refuse to accept this fact.

Coupled with the blessing of the "Survivor" show, the news exploded as soon as it was ignited.

Continued on the headlines, followed by a blockbuster, said that in the middle of the night, Weibo was not maintained in time and almost paralyzed.

Technicians were called from their sleep and temporarily ran to the company for processing.

Media reporters came out to publish articles, fearing that they would be slow to post. They lag behind the speed of others, and they appear unprofessional.

Even Nanyin is no exception.

In the 864 group, Nan Jingheng received the news from Han Zhuoling with everyone, which was not much faster than netizens.

So, the editor-in-chief of Nanyin Entertainment rushed out his subordinates from the bed and started writing news.

The editor-in-chief also specifically complained to Nan Jingheng, "President, you are not kind! You have such a good relationship with Ling Shao, do you know what he is in love with? You say hello to us early Even if Ling Shao didn't want to make it public before, we can write the news first. When Ling Shao is willing to make it public, we will send it out directly. This is fast and saves a lot of trouble. You can see that in the middle of the night, it ’s unexpected. News is slow. How unprofessional do we look? "

Nan Jingheng: "..."

The problem is that he doesn't know anything!

"You can't blame me for this, I'm only five or six minutes earlier than you know." Nan Jingheng explained, "That's because he's not kind, and even the buddies are hiding it. You wait, I call and scold He goes. Don't complain, just write. "

6 is more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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