The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1930: You can't do this!

Chapter 1930 You Can't Do This!

The editor-in-chief said, "Dare you call Han Zhuoling?"

Ha ha!

Hang up, Nan Jingheng really called Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling was holding Shi Xiaoya, her fingertips were around her hair, and she was having fun.

"What's the matter, in the middle of the night?" Han Zhuo Ling answered the phone and vomited.

This is a waste of his time with Shi Xiaoya alone.

"..." Nan Jingheng was speechless for a long time. "Brother, you also know that it is midnight! You open your romance in the middle of the night, and you told me a few hours in advance. I'd better let people prepare the manuscript and send it out with you, How good. You are not kind, you are thinking about my brother!

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

"I forgot." Han Zhuoring said relentlessly.

Nan Jingheng: "..."

It's so cold!

"Come on." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Although I didn't tell you a few hours in advance, I also said in the group five or six minutes in advance. As a journalist, you even have this news acumen nothing."

Han Zhuo Ling paused, sighed, and said earnestly, "You can't do this!"

Nan Jingheng: "..."

Who doesn't?

Ask his daughter-in-law, he can do it!

I can't talk to Han Zhuo Ling anymore, I have to be furious!

"Well, I'm going to sleep with Xiaoya, you can rest early, hang up." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Hanging up, Nan Jingheng twitched.

Han Zhuoling publicly tweeted the media and bombarded the media. The reporters all rushed to submit articles overnight.

As a result he said he was going to sleep.

Also let Nan Jingheng go to bed earlier.

Go to bed early!

Han Zhuo Ling, regardless of Nan Jingheng's hard work, is now almost 1 o'clock.

"Go to bed, and get up early tomorrow morning." Han Zhuo Ling reminded Shi Xiaoya.

"Oh." Shi Xiaoya responded, and now she was nervous again.

Seeing her reaction, Han Zhuoling patted her fart directly. "What do you think! It's now time, and you still have to work tomorrow, can I still tell you what can't be done?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Yeah ... she thought a little more.

But when Han Zhuo Ling said so, it seemed that she was amorous.

It's so shameful.

"In your eyes, I'm such a **** man?" Han Zhuo Ling held her.

There is still a long light in the black eyes, and the prestige is so proud.

"Of course not." Shi Xiaoya said again, "I didn't think about it, you misunderstood!"

Han Zhuo Ling looked at her and laughed, "OK, I misunderstood."

Although, he came today, really stunned to want her purpose.

Not because he was anxious.

It was she who came here to work and left him alone in City B.

Suddenly she was missing from her life, and suddenly he felt that he had lost a big piece.

She could have used her time to work attentively during her absence.

But he found out, let alone overtime, even during normal working hours during the day, he couldn't help thinking about him.

A habit had been formed before that time, and I went to work on time to see her.

But these two days, he always forgot that she was away.

She habitually left work on time, only to find out in her studio that she was away, and she came to T city.

He could have continued working.

He found that she was not there, and he couldn't do anything about it.

She was absent, and he was so focused on the fabric that he couldn't lift his strength.

He missed her indescribably, thinking during work during the day, lying on the bed at night, and closing his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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