The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1931: This routine

Chapter 1931: This Routine

More and more ... want her.

On her, he had no control over himself.

He had never acted on impulse, and planned everything.

But this time, just because she couldn't think of it, she went directly here with the impulse.

Even on the road, he thought, when he came to see her, I really couldn't help but want her.

He didn't want to bear it anymore.

Because he really misses her too much.

When I think of the vacancy in my heart, I feel dissatisfied. I think of bone pain.

Not exaggerated.

But above this, he still took Shi Xiaoya first.

This time is indeed inappropriate.

Han Zhuoling sighed silently, but could only endure it.

Until they both lay down, Shi Xiaoya was held in his arms by him.

Shi Xiaoya was sure that he really didn't plan to do anything.

Just come and see her.

The purpose is simple and cute, making her think he is cute.

"Don't sleep yet?" As soon as Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head, she could see Shi Xiaoya in his arms and looked up at her.

I'm afraid this girl doesn't know what he really wants to do?

"If I can't sleep, then I'll really ..." Han Zhuoling threatened whispered.

The room was dark and quiet.

He had a slightly dumb voice in this quiet night, especially clear.

Unfinished words with deep meaning.

Don't even think about what he is going to say.

Shi Xiaoya quickly closed her eyes and did not dare to speak.

Han Zhuoling laughed helplessly, so she just hugged her to sleep.


By the next day, when Shi Xiaoya's mobile phone's alarm sounded, because Han Zhuo Ling's arms were too warm, she did not want to wake up.

Sleeping stupidly, I just felt warm and forgot about Han Zhuo Ling.

Until she turned off the ringtone, she woke up half awake and suddenly remembered that Han Zhuoling came to her last night!

This time, Shi Xiaoya was sober.

Raising his eyes, he saw Han Zhuoling sleeping.

But I was awakened by the alarm of the mobile phone and slowly opened my eyes, but still looked like a drowsiness.

Even if it wasn't the first time I saw him, I still felt happy to see him half asleep and awake.

Seeing that he had been noisy, Shi Xiaoya said, "Then you go to sleep, I go to work first."

Han Zhuo Ling's hand was still on her waist.

When Shi Xiaoya was about to remove his hand, Han Zhuo Ling had already removed it.

Raising his hand and wiping his face, he sat up with his hands on it, "I'm with you."

"I don't need to record the show today, I can finish the makeup for the guests, and then follow the makeup all the way, not tired." Shi Xiaoya said, "If you want to be with me, don't worry. When I finish my makeup, you Just go down and sleep more. "

Han Zhuoling shook his head and said, "Did you forget something?"

Shi Xiaoya froze for a while, and tried hard to think about it, but didn't remember it.

Probably because of the relationship just now, my head is not so clear, and it does not turn so fast.

So there are omissions, and it is normal to not remember them for a while.

Shi Xiaoya thinks so.

"What's the matter?" Shi Xiaoya really couldn't remember, and asked with a guilty conscience.

"Last night we two just made it public, we have to go out today and accept their congratulations." Even if he just got up and sat on the bed, his back was still straight at this time, "They must have a big wave of blessings to send Give us."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

This **** routine!

She is too naive.

(End of this chapter)

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