The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1939: Not a good thing

Chapter 1939: Not A Good Thing

That face, I basically can't see the original look.

The staff was busy helping Liu Enxiao.

At this point, someone was hiding behind the crowd and secretly filmed.

This person was Han Zhuo Ling's arrangement.

He didn't know Zheng Xuexin would hit Liu Enxiao.

He still overestimated Zheng Xuexin's character.

The subsequent series of reactions were all based on Zheng Xuexin's actions.

Zheng Xuexin was embarrassed. "Comrade Police, there is a little private matter between us."

After Zheng Xuexin spoke, he turned to Liu Enxiao with a warning.

Liu Enxiao shuddered, she now does not have enough sense to measure the pros and cons.

But she did understand Zheng Xuexin's threat.

However, Zheng Xuexin beat her so hard, and if there is a chance to make a big noise, Zheng Xuexin must go to jail.

She did not believe that Han Zhuo Ling would let Zheng Xuexin go.

Zheng Xuexin's current connections are trivial. He really wants to protect himself. No one will help.

After figuring this out, Liu Enxiao said, "Comrade Police, don't listen to him. It's him ..."

Liu Enxiao looked up at Zheng Xuexin and said, "It is he who wants to subscribe to me. I don't agree, he wants to use strong! So, he beat me like this!"

Now that Liu Enxiao was hit, she couldn't see her original appearance, so she really couldn't see that she was beautiful or ugly.

But the police were surprised that Zheng Xuexin turned out to be such a person.

However, he was not able to treat women like this.

The police's understanding of Zheng Xuexin originally only limited to those who Zheng Xuexin showed to netizens.

I think he has some of the temperament of Wenlang's scholars. Today, he really subverts the three views.

"Come with us." The policeman said, "What is going to be done, whether this lady wants to sue or settle in private, she has to go to the wounds and make a record."

"In addition, the police who reported it just came with us." The police said.

The police were late for the Swiss newspaper, so they left with Zheng Xuexin and Liu Enxiao.

As a result, one guest was suddenly absent.

Lu Dongliu did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling's revenge came so quickly.

Anyway, wait until the show ends.

Lu Dongliu was a little worried.

The five guests are not bad, mainly their show, each episode is divided into two episodes.

So the entire episode is broadcast in two weeks.

Now that the fifth episode of the first episode is finished, the first episode has Zheng Xuexin's presence, and the next episode suddenly disappears. This is very strange.

Otherwise, you can only work hard in the post-editing to see if you can cut off the footage of Zheng Xuexin from the previous episode.

Anyway, this time Zheng Xuexin had a big scandal. Han Zhuo Ling would certainly not miss the opportunity to expose Zheng Xuexin.

By the time the fifth issue aired, Zheng Xuexin's reputation was stink and it was not good for their shows.

Lu Dongliu was relieved when he thought about it.

Han Zhuoling also thought of this, so he did not propose that he fill the vacancy of the guest this period.

Of course, if Lu Dongliu puts forward, Han Zhuo Ling is also willing to help.

After all, working with Shi Xiaoya.

The program began to be officially recorded, and Shi Xiaoya was free, as long as she could keep up with the guests.

It happened that she was following Lan Jiexin.

Female guests will be slower and have less physical strength, so it is not difficult for Shi Xiaoya to follow.

Han Zhuoling naturally followed Shi Xiaoya.

(End of this chapter)

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