The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1940: It looks like this after tenth grade beauty

Chapter 1940: Ten Level Beauty

The director and camera brother who followed Lan Jiexin this time were the two who followed Shi Xiaoya before.

The two now saw the two behind them, chatting while walking, and silently distressed themselves.

Why in the fifth period, after changing a guest, I still can't escape the end of the dog food stuffed by the two.

Before, the two stuffed them with dog food in the camera, but now they are good, they are right next to each other and they are so close together!

Han Zhuoling walked with Shi Xiaoya, taking time to receive several videos and photos.

It was Zheng Xuexin and Liu Enxiao that were taken in the morning.

Han Zhuoling forwarded these directly to Lu Man, "I'll take care of the rest."

"Leave it to me, don't hesitate." Lu Man replied, and immediately went to do this.

So that night, when the topic of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya had not yet become hot, another news broke out on the Internet.

A netizen who claimed to be a hotel guest broke the news, "The hotel I lived in happened to be the" Survivor "show group. When I ate this morning, when I saw the police came, I took Zheng Xuexin and a makeup artist named Liu Enxiao. Take away. Put a few photos first, and then a video. "

"Netizens" were equipped with several pictures, that is, the police took Zheng Xuexin and Liu Enxiao away.

In the photo, Zheng Xuexin has a blue face, probably because he thinks there are people from the show group, and no one else can come in, so I didn't expect anyone to take his picture.

Behind Zheng Xuexin is Liu Enxiao who is being supported.

I lost a lot of hair, even if the hair in the photo is messy, I can still see that the hair on the top is a lot thinner.

That face couldn't be seen any more.

The eyes were swollen, and the eyelids were almost impossible to open.

On the forehead, on the cheekbones, and on the chin, they are all bruises, and their faces are swollen.

That is, the picture is still not clear enough, otherwise she can see her nose and tears.

"My God, what's going on?"

"Who is Liu Enxiao?"

"Is Zheng Xuexin hitting someone?"

"Upstairs, don't talk about pictures."

"Liu Enxiao is a makeup artist for Survivor. She has also reposted the program."

Later, the "netizen" uploaded the video again.

"I was at the scene at the time and saw the police coming. Several of our residents followed to see. When the police opened the door, Liu Enxiao was beaten as a minor. At that time, Zheng Xuexin's assistant was in the dressing room. At that time Zheng Xuexin told the police that it was a private matter, but Liu Enxiao told the police that Zheng Xuexin wanted to sneak her down, she didn't agree, Zheng Xuexin wanted to use strong, so he beat her like this. Later both were taken away and didn't know What is the result. "

Behind it is a video of the scene being taken away.

"Netizens" did not lie because Liu Enxiao's words were also recorded in the video.

Although in the video, Liu Xiaoen seemed to have some emotional breakdown and wailed loudly, so her speech was not very clear.

But this can't stop the powerful netizens, I was over and over again, and finally understood her words.

"It's true. Liu Enxiao said that Zheng Xuexin wanted to sneak her down. She didn't agree, so she was beaten."

"She said you believe it? What is it like Zheng Xuexin is short of a woman? You have to use her strong, and it ’s the morning when the show is about to start recording. How much of a brain would it take to do this?"

"I deliberately turned over Liu Enxiao's selfie. It looks like this after the tenth level of beauty."

(End of this chapter)

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