The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1967: Dream her

Chapter 1967: Going To Her Dream

Han Zhuoling nodded, and then said to the first year of the uncle: "Return her 500, and tell her clearly, you don't need to spend money for my girlfriend in the future. Everyone is unfamiliar, my girlfriend wants to spend money, I have it."

"Oh!" I responded with a smile at the beginning of the year, and immediately proceeded.

Han Zhuo Ling was driving hands-free, allowing Shi Xiaoya to hear it.

After hanging up, she asked her again, "What did she say to you?"

"Just intentionally stimulate me. You have been married before, and I think I will mind." Shi Xiaoya did not elaborate.

Some words, don't mind is the same thing, but it doesn't mean she is willing to say it.

But Shi Xiaoya didn't say it, and Han Zhuo Ling could guess what Xia Yixin said.

"But I really don't mind. It's you who are so good that she was transported by her stepping on shit. I don't think it's worth it for you. Anyway, that's a thing of the past. I think you're hello, so No matter what happened in the past, no matter what you did, I don't mind. "

Shi Xiaoya said coldly, "I look at her like I found after divorce that my life is far worse than when I was with you, so I regret it."

How could I keep up with Han Zhuoling?

Xia Yixin was the wife of Han Zhuo Ling before.

Outsiders looked at her, not Xia's daughter, but Han Zhuoling's wife and Han's daughter-in-law.

Therefore, she respects her naturally.

Not to mention the extravagant life that Han Zhuo Ling brought her.

However, after the divorce, the Xia family had no way to compare with the Han family, not to mention that the Han family was about to force the Xia family into bankruptcy in order to cheer Han Zhuo Ling.

And all this, Xia Yixin is the culprit.

It is strange that the Xia family can give Xia Yixin a good life.

She was willing to support her and let her have a casual meal at home.

And Xia Yixin went out?

It is no longer Mrs. Han, but the daughter of that lingering Xia family.

Who would take her seriously?

After she divorced, she fell from the sky into the cloud.

Shi Xiaoya doesn't even have to ask for it deliberately.

Han Zhuo Ling heard Shi Xiaoya's words, a warm current in her heart, slipping hot.

She had said long ago that he didn't mind.

He always believed it, but still felt that it was unfair to her.

She gave him all her goodness.

But he was not.

He always has some regrets.

But in front of Xia Yixin, she still insisted that she was not affected by Xia Yixin's words at all.

He knew that Xia Yixin's words to Shi Xiaoya must have been more unpleasant and more exciting.

Shi Xiaoya simply recounts her general purpose.

And what exactly was said, Shi Xiaoya did not say.

The thought of Shi Xiaoya in front of Xia Yixin, confidently defended her, was not affected by Xia Yixin's words at all.

Being defended by her in this way, he couldn't move.

"Oh!" Shi Xiaoya pouted, "She must have found you well after divorce, and regretted it."

Then he glanced at Han Zhuoling.

Han Zhuo Ling was very wronged.

He is good, he knows, because Shi Xiaoya also said so.

He didn't think he was so good at first.

But she couldn't bear Shi Xiaoya always told him so, always said that he was particularly good.

It's like brainwashing.

Gradually, he also felt like he was fine.

So, he is fine, why is she staring at him?

"She regrets her going, not to mention being with you, even if I don't know you, I won't reunite with her." Han Zhuo Ling laughed, "Dream her dream."

(End of this chapter)

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