The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1968: I do not need!

Chapter 1968: I Don't Need It!

After speaking, Han Zhuo Ling shook Shi Xiaoya and said, "So how did you tell her?"

"I said, anyway, you are so good, whoever let go is who is stupid." Shi Xiaoya was still proud when she said this.

The chin subconsciously went up.

Han Zhuoling thought, if Shi Xiaoya said the same way when she said this to Xia Yixin, she would definitely be mad at Xia Yixin.

Shi Xiaoya isn't she calling Xia Yixin silly.

After Shi Xiaoya said it, she blushed, and embarrassed Nuo Nuo explained, "I was also angry at the time, of course, not because of what she said, but because I thought she was so ridiculous. What did you do and you do n’t know? ? Also delusional recombination. I usually don't speak so vulgarly. Anyway, even if I let me scold again, I still have to say so. "

"As long as I can anger her, I don't care." Shi Xiaoya said.

Hearing that, Han Zhuoling couldn't help laughing.

The original laughter still rolled in his throat.

But later, more and more could not bear, hugging Shi Xiaoya, resting her head on her shoulders.

In the end, the whole laughter was shaking.

Shi Xiaoya was helpless.

She was swearing, but it didn't make him laugh like that.

Han Zhuo Ling laughed for a long time, Shi Xiaoya pushed him.

Han Zhuoling then said, "Don't push."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"Why are you so cute?" Han Zhuoling still refused to rest on her shoulders, and her tears were about to come out.

Shi Xiaoya tentatively said, "Don't you think I'm vulgar?"

"No." Han Zhuoling laughed. "You're not wrong anyway."

Shi Xiaoya was a little bit proud.

Here, Xia Yixin had been blacked out in the early years.

In order to help the boss pay back, I can only find out her WeChat, plus.

Xia Yixin agreed quickly.

She doesn't care why she added her at the beginning of the year.

Because she was Han Zhuoling's assistant in the early years, she can't approach Han Zhuoling now. No matter what method, if she can get a little closer to Han Zhuoling, she is happy.

Therefore, I quickly agreed to my friend's request at the beginning of the year.

输入 Entered immediately at the beginning of the year, "Ms. Xia, hello. What you paid for Miss Shi at noon today, Ling Shao already knows. Ling Shao told me to tell you that any expenses of his girlfriend will be left to him This boyfriend will take care of it without bothering you. "

After speaking, immediately transferred to Xia Yixin 500 yuan.

Xia Yixin was really upset.

She was dealing with a scald in the hospital at this time.

Although the skin on the face and hands was hot, but fortunately, it was not blistered.

Now when I see Lu's early years, I really want to blow her up!

Shi Xiaoya, the little bitter man, even ran to sue Han Zhuo Ling!

Han Zhuo Ling made it clear that she wanted to draw a line with her.

And they are one with Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya's meal, he repaid her money.

Xia Yixin felt ironic.

Once a husband and wife, but now the only connection, but only through his assistant!

Before, she spent Han Zhuo Ling's money.

But now, Han Zhuo Ling is giving money to another woman and paying back her money for Shi Xiaoya!

Xia Yixin's suffocation was, of course, also due to hand pain.

She responded to the beginning of the year, "I don't need it! I paid Shi Xiaoya for the bill, so I don't need him to pay for Shi Xiaoya!"

As a result, it failed to go out.

The system reminded her that she was not a good friend of the first year.

(End of this chapter)

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